I'm going to try out all these themes to see what look nice. It was a general thumbs up and statement to the original poster and everyone who has also contributed work, not anyone in particular
Hi red_zebra, loving all the themes, so far the Purple one goes down the best in this household, WAF++++
Just thought I'd let you know I found a few textures that weren't converted, all of which have a small blue glow around them.
Wow, it was only one day I couldn't show up and this thread is exploding! Great!
First of all, sorry, I know I promised to update the packs with installers, but I'm quite busy at the moment. I hope I can make it this evening, then I will also have a look at the missing graphics (Thanks @Lichloathe). The grey/silver theme looks very promising, I will also have a closer look on it and add it in the first post (with credits @l337, of course), to make it easier for other users to find it.
Thanks also @WebKnight for creating the purple installer.
So, I updated the first post. Now the theme packs come with installer and the missing graphics.
@l337: I wondered why your silver theme only has only 382 files in the Media-directory, while the other themes consist of 407 files - seems that you used the initial release as base for your files, didn't you? Could you please post your Photoshop Due/Saturation settings, then I would reproduce your work with the missing files, add an installer and upload the package in the first post (with credits to you, of course).