i can make support for the extra extension.... hmm
but did it find everything? did you find any more keywords that should be excluded from the search.... like CD1,CD2.......
Just tried this out and watched it downloading covers. Unfortunately, the covers it found are terrible - totally unusable for me. Some are tiny thumbnail-sized ones, others (most) are what appear to be photos of DVD boxes/covers. Not sure where it's getting the covers from (google search possibly) but I had to abort it for fear that it would create a huge number of poor covers that might appear within Media Portal instead of the covers that currently appear (which are cropped, clean, large images).
Enclosed is an example. I haven't changed it - it's a single jpg with 2 dvd covers in it. The other ("300") is a typical photo of a dvd cover, which isn't really suitable for Media Portal (although some people may prefer this type of cover, it doesn't work well with skins that assume it's a head-on cropped shot).
Great idea, look forward to a future version. A good option would be to allow the user to specify the minimum dimensions.
it will not touch a movie that already has a cover. it looks for folder.jpg
it downloads the covers from imdb.com
for me it's better with a cover that has a lower resolution than no cover. but a minimum resolution check would be an idea.
it could be discarded... hmm it would also be possible to check your existing covers for resolutions...
I Think the guys that put together thetvdb.com also put together a movie site with posters. The site's got an API to make it easy to do lookups and downloads. I think the posters are all user-submitted and of relatively high quality, although there's a size limit imposed to avoid copyright issues. I can't recall the site but it'd be a great alternative to using IMDB's very iffy posters.
I downloaded 1.1.2 Beta but found it wouldn't scan my directory of ISO's (attached).
The orignal DVD name is used for the ISO & MDS names (DVDDecryptor) and can not be renamed.
The directory structure gives me and the family "human readable" names to select from.
I would be nice to be able to specify "isodir=i:\*.ISO -d" or someting simular to have it scan all the subdirectories for *.ISO files.
hmmm use the "dirs" option.
isodir is only for multipple iso's in a folder... not recomended by me!
the dirs option will use the folder name for lookup if it can't find a nfo file containing a imdb link.
i see you have diferent directory depth....
A subdir scanner is possible using the iso methode...... but.... if you look at your own structure.
I:\Doctor Who Series 2\Vol 2 Tooth and Claw School Reunion Girl in the Fireplace\BBCDVD1961.ISO
Now using BBCDVD1961 for a search is no good. using "Vol 2 Tooth and Claw School Reunion Girl in the Fireplace" would have been better...
i will ponder this a bit, but keep in mind that i don't have this problem myself