movie frame problem (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 19, 2011
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United States of America United States of America
it seems that once you get a large number of movies (hundreds), for whatever reason...the movie poster frame image that overlays the poster when you are viewing a specific movie does not load until a movie is played and either immediately stopped or watched.....this seems to not happen on a setup running a small number of movies (tested on another pc) would make a little more sense if it eventually showed up because of processing a large movie database (i'm running an i7 quad core @ 4GHz so system power seems unlikely to be the cause)..but i have left it running for an entire day and it still will not show..but if i then play and immediately stop a movie...there it is........anyone else notice this? i would be totally fine just scrapping the overlay image altogether and those 'watched' eyeballs...but i can't find the locations.......i've looked through 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\StreamedMP\Media' and see what i think is being loaded...and i've temporarily moved them..yet they still appear (after playing and stopping a movie of course)......does anyone know how i can either get the frame to load immediately...OR where this image is located so i can delete it and keep the appearance consistent?

picture of missing frame attached



  • 5.jpg
    256.3 KB


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  • June 10, 2007
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    For whats its worth I have 1500 movies and never notice a delay or have any issues showing the overlay/icons. All movies are on a wired NAS.

    You can disable the rounded cnr overlay for posters and also the eyeballs from Settings->Skin->Misc.

    Have you manually installed any MODS or manually edited your XMLs? A default install should not experience this issue, but just double check what settings you have in Misc section above. You may need to Uninstall Skin and Re-Install if you have done any manual editing.


    Portal Member
    May 19, 2011
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    United States of America United States of America
    i haven't done any mods but a clean install of streamed mp is probably my best shot...thanks

    while i have u here....2 things im curious there any way to change the default blue border box that shows me my currently selected movie while im looking thru my movies in poster view with the small thumbnails - and the color of my movie count/movie page #?

    also - i know there is an option in the misc skin settings to disable the menu icon on the right side of the screen...but is there any way to allow continuous scrolling through my movies without getting that menu to pop up?...or at least prevent that menu from opening? so say my movie list opens and im looking at all my thumbnails...if i hold the right arrow key...i would much prefer it to continue through my movies by jumping down to the next row and not open the popup menu once it gets to the end of a many people come over who have never seen MP and that seems to be the #1 annoyance...would be great to be able to customize that

    thanks for your time


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    while i have u here....2 things im curious there any way to change the default blue border box that shows me my currently selected movie while im looking thru my movies in poster view with the small thumbnails - and the color of my movie count/movie page #?
    No setting for this im afraid, would require manually editing xmls. I dont recommend this.

    also - i know there is an option in the misc skin settings to disable the menu icon on the right side of the screen...but is there any way to allow continuous scrolling through my movies without getting that menu to pop up?...or at least prevent that menu from opening? so say my movie list opens and im looking at all my thumbnails...if i hold the right arrow key...i would much prefer it to continue through my movies by jumping down to the next row and not open the popup menu once it gets to the end of a many people come over who have never seen MP and that seems to be the #1 annoyance...would be great to be able to customize that
    Sorry, no way to support this functionality without changes to MediaPortal.


    Portal Member
    May 19, 2011
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    ok good to know...thanks

    out of curiosity....what xml file might contain that code? i've been trying to hunt it down and have given up many times...also...what is the directory where the previously mentioned rounded corner overlay file is pulled? and the watched/not watched eyeballs...because i've checked everything in the 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\StreamedMP\Media' folder...and if i temporarily move what some of those png files to the recycle bin...the frame and eyes still show up (after i play a movie)

    thanks again for your time


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Some images are cached in Cache folder so its going to reappear. As I said you should be able to disable those icons in Settings (is that not working for you? Ensure that StreamedMPConfig plugin is enabled) All images are in the Media folder.


    Portal Member
    May 19, 2011
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    United States of America United States of America
    oh it works great...i was just thinking about making a custom frame...

    i really don't mean to bug you...i appreciate all the hard work...but as far as the blue thumbnail border for movie that also an png file? if i had to guess i would say that is png and the other blue fonts for movie count and movie page are i said..after deleting the suspected png file...and having the picture still appear because its being pulled from a cache...where is the cache? there must be some way to make a change....looking in the 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\StreamedMP\Media' folder i see thumbborder5.png and other similar files...that looks like close to the file i want...its a square not a rectangle wondering if thats the image and it just gets stretched...would be a huge help if i could find the file

    you said you have 1500+ movies...what view do you using poster and the smallest thumb possible


    found the cache and am able to edit it now....thanks for your help!

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