Moving Pictures 1.3.1: Now With Search (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 2, 2010
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Netherlands Netherlands

within Advanced Settings I can see the next line at Playback Options >> Custom Intro Count.
With that the help text says; The number of custom intros to play. This only applies if the Custom Intro Location is set to a directory rather than a file. So if you pointed out only a directory under Custom Intro Location and you fill that with more then one playback item then you should be able to let a specific number of intros being played before the movie starts?



Portal Member
November 14, 2007
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Sweden Sweden

within Advanced Settings I can see the next line at Playback Options >> Custom Intro Count.
With that the help text says; The number of custom intros to pay. This only applies if the Custom Intro Location is set to a directory rather than a file. So if you pointed out only a directory under Custom Intro Location and you fill that with more then one playback item then you should be able to let a specific number of intros being played before the movie starts?


Ahh, ok...

I was thinking more like 1 or 2 trailers and then DD/DTS/THX/... and after that the movie. Looks like that will be a bit hard to get going.

Maybe if there was a way to specify more than one directory with wildcards like this:

Or even better, separate entries in configuration for movie-trailers and audio-trailers (what should I call them?) and # of plays for each.

Could also be done like this for a more generic string:

This would play my home made short intro HTPC.mkv once,
2 random trailers and finish of with one random audio-trailer before each movie.

I would love the last one which gives a bit more freedom when deciding what sequence you want.



New Member
January 3, 2012
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Canada Canada
Zapp if you go into advance settings in Movingpictures 1.3 you can specify how many files to play as well as the folder to randomize movies from

on another note

tried c:\intros\ and it didn't work

is it cause i am accessing a network drive? basically my exact location \\pc\H:\intros\

like that it will not play anything

but if i set it as \\pc\H:\intros\dts.mkv

it would play only that one file. its driving me nuts as i have 7 or so intros id love to circulate through lol

apparently im a goof and was running an old version of moving pictures... updated to 1.3 and all good! random intro done!


Portal Member
November 14, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden

Thanks, but have a look below and see what a generic string can do for us.

We would be able to draw trailers from different directories, both specific files and random. If random or with wildcard we can tell how many should be shown.

I think this is a great idea, anyone else?


Could also be done like this for a more generic string:

This would play my home made short intro HTPC.mkv once,
2 random trailers and finish of with one random audio-trailer before each movie.


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March 30, 2010
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Germany Germany
Show duration in List mode

Hi ,

wonderful plugin. But one question: I like to have the duration of a movie shown on the list for each list entry as in the original MP movie plugin:

Movie 1 Duration
Movie 2 Duration
Movie 3 Duration

Is it possible to have that information in the list view?


Portal Pro
February 2, 2009
Hi fforde,

Excellent plug in, just browsing with your plug is half the fun of the whole movie watching, I wish you put some limit on the Genre explosion, there should be a way to declare 10 or so genres as major and if a new movie has one of the major genres in its description, other genres in that movie description which are new to the programs should not be added as genres automatically.

For example, I have three genres related to sci-fi, one of them has them all the other two genre titles have partially list and thus shouldn't be there at all. The movie reviews whose genre description is used by your plug-in to parse the genre include way too much genres added by their author, no need to parse them all, only the major genres driven by a list you should compile.



MP Donator
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  • September 3, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    This sounds like an awsome update, I've been wanting the search function, is there any chance that this can be implemented on a system-wide basis so one can get results from movies, music and tv-series?


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    Hi fforde,

    Excellent plug in, just browsing with your plug is half the fun of the whole movie watching, I wish you put some limit on the Genre explosion, there should be a way to declare 10 or so genres as major and if a new movie has one of the major genres in its description, other genres in that movie description which are new to the programs should not be added as genres automatically.

    For example, I have three genres related to sci-fi, one of them has them all the other two genre titles have partially list and thus shouldn't be there at all. The movie reviews whose genre description is used by your plug-in to parse the genre include way too much genres added by their author, no need to parse them all, only the major genres driven by a list you should compile.


    This is a common problem and probably something we should address sooner or later. Sorry for your troubles. As far as duplicate genres go, we could probably add a rule based genre merging system. I created a ticket for this, star it to get email updates and to "vote" for it getting done sooner rather than later. ;)

    In the dynamic categories on the menu we could probably also filter out genres that have only one or two movies in them, we already do this for actors, directors, and writers. This approach worries me a bit though, it could easily negatively affect folks with smaller collections.

    This sounds like an awsome update, I've been wanting the search function, is there any chance that this can be implemented on a system-wide basis so one can get results from movies, music and tv-series?

    I intentionally wrote our search functionality in a way that could be utilized by other plugins. I really don't have the time to take on new global search plugin but if someone wanted to create one (or include Moving Pictures search functionality into an existing plugin) it would be stupid-simple to do and I would be happy to provide help with the Moving Pictures code.


    Portal Pro
    July 20, 2009
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    Denmark Denmark
    Thanks for this awesome update, I have though a little complaint.

    When I am playing a movie from mediaportal my videos it is running smoothly without any problems.
    However, when I am playing the same movie (dc1 video, DTS-HD audio) from moving pictures it has ocasionally hickups where the video lags, not the audio - from 5 to 30 seconds apart.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    I have LAV (newest) codec installed, newest mediaportal, streamedMP and Moving pictures.

    Kindly Regards

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