Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search
thanks !!
I wil give it a spin
thanks !!
I wil give it a spin
I installed this Version but it doest find any .iso. I have added extension .iso under "Video extensions" but no luck.
Hello All,
Sorry for this silly post. But when i play an intro movie i cannot for the life of me get it to play more then 1 file. if i put just the directory name
ie C:\intros
nothing plays before a movie. if i put the name of an intro file it will play just that 1 intro for all movies
ie C:\intros\dts.mkv
how can i get it to select an intro at random?
thanks all!
Custom Intro Videos
For a while it has been possible to play a specific video before your movie starts. It is now possible to use wild cards when specifying this video or poimnt to a folder instead of a file to get a random video to play. These features are currently only accessible from Advanced Settings but they allow you to do some interesting stuff. For example, play a random trailer or two based on the genre of the movie you are about to watch.