Moving Pictures 1.4: Movie Manager Filtering (1 Viewer)


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Moving Pictures 1.4.2 Stable
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Moving Pictures is a movie management plug-in that focuses on both versatility and ease of use. Moving Pictures does it's best to load your movie collection as quickly as possible with very little user interaction and it then provides an easy to use but highly customizable interface to browse your movie collection.

If you have found a bug or have a question about specific Moving Pictures functionality please open a new thread so others with the same thoughts can more easily find the conversation.

Change Log

Wiki / User's Guide
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Developer's Guide

Movie Manager Filtering
The big new feature in this release is filtering in the Movie Manager in the configuration. For example if you want see a list of movies that are missing artwork you can do so with a few clicks. If you want to see a list of what you have recently imported to verify the downloaded movie details this is now also trivial. The system uses the same filtering controls as the Category and Filtering systems so this is fully customizable and should be familiar to many users.

We have also made a few additional usability tweaks in the Configuration panel. For example the file names attached to a movie are now displayed on the first tab of the Movie Manager which should make it easier to identify mismatched files. It is now also possible to review ignored files one by one. Oh and you can now select all movies in the Movie Manager using CTRL-A.

GUI Tweaks
We have also made a few tweaks to the user interface in MediaPortal itself. In list view the release year of a film is now listed to the right of title. This can also be configured via Advanced Settings under "MediaPortal GUI - Interface Options" if you do not like this change or you'd like different information to be displayed here.

We have also significantly improved the performance of Actor dynamic nodes for Categories and Filters. If you have had performance issues with this type of category in the past you may want to give it another try. This should apply to all categories that generate a large number of sub categories.

We have also added a new Advanced Setting to hide leading articles in the GUI. For example The Matrix would simply be displayed as Matrix. This is disabled by default and probably wont be used by many, but hopefully for a few this will be a nice tweak.

Importer Updates
We have updated the TMDb scraper to support multiple languages based off the selected automatic retrieval language. For anyone that prefers non-english movie information this may be something to try out. We have also added an additional backdrop scraper that pulls images from

Bug Fixes & Final Thoughts
We have worked quite a few bug fixes into this release as well. For a full list please see the change log.

The majority of the changes for this release come from DamienH so if you see him around say thank you! Additional work was also contributed by CyberFix, Shukuyen, ncoh, and LRFalk01, not to mention everyone in the #moving-pictures IRC channel. If I have forgotten someone I apologize in advance!
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Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
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No problem. Thank Damien though he did about 80% of the work for this release. :p


Portal Member
September 11, 2012
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United States of America United States of America
My favorite plugin by far! Thanks for all the hard work, you guys really do make MP a big contender in the HTPC world!

Downloading tonight but won't get to test fully because I begin moving to a new place right after work tomorrow.


Portal Pro
February 28, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Thanks so much guys for all your hard work on this plugin. I just now noticed this. Gonna try it out now!!
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