This is not just in 1.20, I had the problem in 1.19 as well. But to confirm the problem I upgraded to the latest. I have tried every grabber I could but then I did a specific test on my test system.
Windows 7 ( same problem on my windows 10). MP 1.20. Three movies in a test directory (Action Point (2018).mkv , Amateur (2018).mkv and Annihilation (2018).avi ). Using the IMDB_MP117x EN grabber which I refreashed with the "Update grabber scripts" button. I have selected "Automatically select the nearest match" and in the scan tab selected "Prefer video filename for movie search". I am getting all the fields populated that I would want including the Coverart, but I am not getting the Plot. The Plot field is just saying "unknown". I have confirmed all three movies are in the on the IMDB site and have a plot descriptions.
Windows 7 ( same problem on my windows 10). MP 1.20. Three movies in a test directory (Action Point (2018).mkv , Amateur (2018).mkv and Annihilation (2018).avi ). Using the IMDB_MP117x EN grabber which I refreashed with the "Update grabber scripts" button. I have selected "Automatically select the nearest match" and in the scan tab selected "Prefer video filename for movie search". I am getting all the fields populated that I would want including the Coverart, but I am not getting the Plot. The Plot field is just saying "unknown". I have confirmed all three movies are in the on the IMDB site and have a plot descriptions.