MP 1.4 with Titan & central database crash when hovering with mouse in Moving Pictures (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 28, 2008
MediaPortal Version: 1.4.0

I was updating a friends MP from 1.3 to 1.4. He has:
  1. Computer A = Win 7 32 bit (all Win-updated)
  2. Computer B = Win 7 64 bit (all Win-updated)
  3. He has a central database on B as described here:
  4. I also tried to uninstall MP and reinstall it.
  5. When he uses Titan skin, goes into MovingPictures and opens a filter (i.e. All movies) after hovering with mouse over movies MP hangs (Win say MP has encountered problems, do I like to find a solution)
  6. Same on both computers
  7. If I use Wide Default it works OK.
I have now reinstalled MP 1.3 on both A & B as there also was an other problem on A (if I start a series in MP-TV-series and click Stop or see it to the end, MP becomes totaly unresposive. Only way to close is via Ctrl-Alt-Delete and task manager. My friend was not very patient, so I had no time to collect logs from that one before I downgraded to 1.3, sorry :( )

Steps to Reproduce:
0. Use Titan skin
1. Start Media Portal 1.4.
2. In menu choose Moving Pictures.
3. In menu choose any filter.
4. Whitin a few seconds MP stopps working and crash
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