[solved] Mp restarts when scrolling down list of films (1 Viewer)


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  • March 10, 2006

    Did you keep an old backup with the corrupted entries still in them?

    Would be curious to find out if Moving-Pictures would have been able to fix itself if you used the advanced import option inside the MovPic configuration tool via gear icon >> "Manage Ignored Files", assuming Red Dwarf was even flagged as such.

    SQL is not for everybody, so that would be an easier workaround then if it works, but if you don't have the ability to test, or are tired of dealing with the issue and just want to enjoy MediaPortal then all the power to ya, because I know the feeling :rolleyes:


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  • October 9, 2007
    Dartmoor, England
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    @RoChess - yes I did make a backup of the db first, so I could try that later when I get some time. I'm pretty sure those files were supposed to be marked as ignored. I may get a chance at lunch time as I'm working from home at the moment - evenings are when everybody wants to watch stuff so not so good. I'll let you know what happens.


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  • October 9, 2007
    Dartmoor, England
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    OK, managed to give it a test and there is indeed an easier way to fix it than editing the database directly.
    Those two files were not on the ignore list, but were listed in the movie list as if they had been imported, although they did not appear in the list in the GUI in MediaPortal. Clicking the "remove and ignore files" (or something similar - the red cross icon) button for these two files has fixed the problem.
    This was easy for me because of course I already knew which files to look for. Otherwise I would have had to look at the list in the area that was causing the crash and look for anything that appeared in the list in the MovingPictures config utility but did not show in the GUI in MediaPortal. But once you find the offending files it would be an easier way to fix the database than manual editing.

    So, in short:
    • Look for any film that appears in the "all movies" list in the MovingPictures config but does NOT appear in the list in MediaPortal.
    • In the config, highlight that film and press the "remove and ignore" button (red cross).
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