I'm having problems even on single-screen now (with 1.2 Final).
I'd been playing a game (The Witcher) and closed that and started MP.
The first time I tried to start LiveTV I got "unknown error occured" even though I'd left it on the EPG for a good 30 seconds. When I tried again it worked. The picture wasn't terrible, but I was noticing what may have been tearing around the centre of the screen, basically a line twitching, which I haven't seen before.
Unfortunately this screenshot doesn't show what I see in the stats, which is a jagged bit coming out of the left of the bottom of the dips in the red line. The first two digits of the Act FPS are also constantly flipping.
I then switched back to the default dshowhelper and this flipping of the digits stopped (it's not completely steady and every few seconds changes from 50 to 49 briefly, but with the DWM .dll it's doing this constantly). However, I had major stuttering for 10 seconds before it settled down (the first two screenshots below are from two different starts of MP). Again, it's not captured in the third screenshot, but after it settles down the red line is disjointed, this time near the top of the downward slope.
I'd been playing a game (The Witcher) and closed that and started MP.
The first time I tried to start LiveTV I got "unknown error occured" even though I'd left it on the EPG for a good 30 seconds. When I tried again it worked. The picture wasn't terrible, but I was noticing what may have been tearing around the centre of the screen, basically a line twitching, which I haven't seen before.
Unfortunately this screenshot doesn't show what I see in the stats, which is a jagged bit coming out of the left of the bottom of the dips in the red line. The first two digits of the Act FPS are also constantly flipping.
I then switched back to the default dshowhelper and this flipping of the digits stopped (it's not completely steady and every few seconds changes from 50 to 49 briefly, but with the DWM .dll it's doing this constantly). However, I had major stuttering for 10 seconds before it settled down (the first two screenshots below are from two different starts of MP). Again, it's not captured in the third screenshot, but after it settles down the red line is disjointed, this time near the top of the downward slope.