MP2-Edit - A MediaPortal 2 Media Library Editor (2 Viewers)


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  • December 17, 2010
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    New version 0.6.0 is online. Still without music- part, as this did not make sense before the MIA rework is done. Aside of some minor bugfixes now episodes numbers are displayed. And a backup of the watched files is done so you don't destroy your watched flags by accident that easy.
    This is most likely the last version before the MIA rework is done.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Last night while it wasn't that hot here (today it's 40° C or above 100° F here in northern Germany where 20° C is a hot summer day already ;)) I've changed a bit on the backup solution. The whole backup now is a lot faaaaaaaaaster, for me less that one minute compared to more than two hours before... Only drawback, it now isn't that safe as before. You now are only 99,9999999% safe;)

    If you want to try it you simply need to exchange the MP2-Backup.exe in install dir with the one attached here. If there are no negative responses I'll add this to the next release.


    • MP2-Backup.7z
      445.7 KB


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  • December 17, 2010
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    I'm using an "UDF" (User Defined Function) in AutoIt to do the backup. You can call those functions with various options and the function is "talking" with SQLite. So the program itself did not need to do this. Not much difference to a DLL- call, I think. One of those options is the "block size" to do the backup. Default this is small so the backup process needs a lot of attempts to do a complete backup- And as the time between those attempts (iSleepTime) are "some eternities" in computer timing the backup needs some hours for me. For a test I've set this page size to "-1" what means "Backup the Database in one Attempt". Now the backup is done in less than one minute here (1.2 GB Datastore.s3db and 25 MB MP2TVE_3.s3db. backed up from system SSD to a different internal HDD) . And also I've tried hard I can't get any disadvantages. No dropouts in running TV Recordings or hickups in MP2 GUI or similar. Only thing I didn't try up to now is to trigger a backup while an import is running...

    Here is the code line I've changed for this:
    "Func _SQLite_Backup($hSrcDbCon, $sDstDbFile, $sSrcDbName = Default, $sDstDbName = Default, $iBlockSize = -1, $iSleepTime = Default, $hProgressBar = Default)"
    The option $iBlockSize was set to "Default" like all others in previous versions of the backup tool...


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Only thing I didn't try up to now is to trigger a backup while an import is running...
    Now I've tested this too. Seems as if the Import is a little bit slower but not as much that really is notable. Backup includes all, that was imported before the backup starts. The rest is lost, but that's expected and acceptable, I think...


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    June 8, 2015
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    I don't seem to be able to get this working correctly. Most of the changes I make don't keep. The changes to the ID numbers stay, but don't change anything else. For example, Shameless shows up with information for the British version. I changed the ID numbers to have the US version. The numbers stay, but nothing changes. Is all of the editing entirely manual? Also, If I input the fields for First aired or network, they disappear. I also tried to add/replace art for MasterChef (which had none) but nothing shows up in the GUI or gets added to the TV series in MP2 Client. I'm probably just completely missing something simple. I think I am closing out/restarting correctly. Do I need to put this somewhere to enable as a plugin or something? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    I will quote myself from the first posting here:
    For further work it's absolutely necessary that all episodes will have the TVDB ID field filled with proper ID. Due to various circumstances during import it's possible that not all episodes will have this very important data. This can and will lead to errors. An indicator is shown, if a series has at least a single episode without a TVDB ID....

    ...All episodes will get the TVDB and IMDB ID entered in the corresponding fields. And you can set the whole series as watched or unwatched, if you want. This is selected by the three radio buttons in the south:..

    ...All other fields are not jet supported by MP2 and are there just for information (read from local file cache) and to fill the space until they become available in MP2. The series name could probably be changed, but then MP2 don't find any fanart and also don't refresh any data on the renamed series. That's why the series name stays untouched. The long field above is meant for a future "sorttitle" filed...

    Right now you only can edit fields related to single episodes. And you can add or exchange the fanart for a series. For everything else we need to finish the MIA Rework first.

    You need to have MP2 identified your series correctly during import as you can not change it afterwards. This also will be available after the MIA Rework...

    On Movies there are a lot more fields to edit, similar to the fields belonging to a series episode...


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    June 8, 2015
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    Thank you for the quick response. I'm still not sure I fully understand. I did not have any red indicators on the Shameless series. Probably because it was filled in as the British version. If this is the case, can I simply re-import everything? Can I migrate the info from Mp1 in some way? When I installed MP2 it automatically scrapped a lot of info, but some was incorrect. That is what led me to try the MP2-Edit. Sorry, I'm trying to figure out MP2 as best I can. It has many things I like, and many things work similarly to MP1 (which I'm still also relatively new to). If I can get everything working well, I will probably move completely to MP2. I really appreciate all the hard work you and everyone else are putting in to MP. I'll keep working at understanding it all. Thanks, Dave


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    If this is the case, can I simply re-import everything?
    Yes, but be sure to name the series folder exactly as your series is named on TVDB... Much better is to use .nfo files or the very best, MKV files with proper metatags (exactly like with music, where you also have tagged your files properly,) MP2 is supporting matroska tags to identify the Movie or Series episode 100% accurate. And it supports nearly all types of .nfo files generated by other tools like Ember or MKV-Buddy or Kodi or,...

    Can I migrate the info from Mp1 in some way?
    Not really, especially on series. The only thing you can migrate is the watched status as MP2-Edit can read the export.watched file from TVSeries and import it into MP2 Database... For movies I have add similar options to MP2-Edit. And here (movies) you can export your MP1 Informations into .nfo files that can be read by MP2... But TVSeries didn't support .nfo so there you are lost...

    but some was incorrect
    If you prepare your media properly you will have a 100% perfect match like me. I have 21.000++ Series episodes and not a single false identification during import into MP2. But I have all videos in MKV container and every single video is tagged properly...


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    June 8, 2015
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thank you. I will try to see if I can prepare them appropriately. I have had to change file naming before to get things working correctly in other applications. Is there a best format for MP2? I'm not familiar with .nfo, but will learn. Some of my files are mkv, but I've been trying to stick with MP4 for a number of reasons. Maybe I need to reconsider that decision. The problem is until I can use MP to stream to my Roku, I don't really have a single solution for my current setup. I'll keep tweaking for now. :D

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