MPBlue PPC client release 0.0.4 (6 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
Awesome man! Started playing around, occasional exception, once during startup and a couple times on shutdown, nothing locked the pda.

remembers my server!!!! Woohoo!!

I have long forgotten which database I have (rc2 or rc3) but one works with everything, one doesn't work with unknown. I'll rebuild a new one with rc3 (no cvs's for now) and see how that works.

Artists, albums, and genre all work. If you select an album, genre or subalbum, it now lists the songs, so you can see your playing list.

on now playing, file name and run time fown't fill in properly.

The button I put into controls but did not assign (designed for shuffle, don't know how to assign shuffle to it) causes an exemption error if selected, I'll remove it for now. Also, in media library, the play and pause at the bottom don't work well, I'll check the xml file see if there's something wrong. In now playing the controls work fine.

enque works, but won't start a play, you have to select a song or album to start playing, then this will add to end.

Ok, I'll email you a modified xml file for the minor glitches I can fix


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
Ok, found nothing different with play or pause in music library page vs now playing, I cannot get the play button to work, paus works one out of 5 tries, stop and all others work fine. I have to assume it is something with tree view interfering. I removed the one trouble button in controls, I'll email that to you for the next upload (unless someone can figure out how to call a shuffle)

The now playing info does not kick in until you navigate off the current song ( or sometimes if you navigate in MP) Also, if I start mpblue while in activesync, these don't work like you said, even after unplugging, I have to restart the program.

I'm gonna remake my database, see how that affects us. Also, in albums I still get multiple albums for various artist compilations, eachalbum has one song, I'll see if rebuilding my database fixes this or makes it worse.

Remember to index your music database (see instructions several pages back) otherwise it takes a long time to load info.

Everything else works great! Tried unsuccessfully to link album art, you guys will have to figure that out. Don't forget about linking up to playlists, it would be nice to be able to explore those in tree view. Also, whenever you get a chance, can you associate an icon for the pda?

Thanks again!


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
Ok, made a new database with rc3, when you select unknown (for albums) under an artist nothing happens, you don't get a song list and you can't get it to play songs. You can however get it to play all songs by the artist, but again no way of listing songs.

Also, in various artist albums, only the song by the first artist is listed, so both of these are bad.

When I use a database created by rc2, I can see the songs under unknown and play unknown or individual songs. I can also see all artists of various artist albums, but each has its own album. I'm gonna have to use this until you can find fixes for unknowns and various artists.

still massive improvements.


Portal Pro
March 17, 2006
Just wanted to make sure you saw this, Mr. Sensitive, as it was posted right before the new reviews by ZV... Thanks 4 your help...

RoyN said:
Hey... I seem to have gotten the hang of some of it now...

anyways, I seem to be missing some commands, would you be able to tell me if they are already in there or if you could implement them to your server?

- Read what screen the user is at (so I can show him the right screen on the web interface even if he was controlling MP from a mouse or something)
- Tell MP to show a particular screen, Videos, Music, Pictures, etc.
- Read a file/share list... basically, I want to be able to read whatever is on the MP screen... so I need to be able to read and set the "directory point" where mp is. That way, I can read all the files from the particular directory, and so on... (This would allow me to reproduce what is on the MP screen)

If there is a way of doing this please let me know, if not could you consider it for implementation? thanks a bunch!

once again, the goal is to make a webinterface as good as or better than XBMC's (in case anyone is wondering, what I have done so far is roughly compatible with the XBMC webserver skins ;))


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004

can you send me you latest database again?
I don't have these issues (but my tags are probably filled in differently..)

sorry I did missed that post..

- the new UDP information sends out what screen the user has selected, check the source of the nw version on how to get this info..
- I need this too, so yes, this wll happen
- that might be a bit more difficult, I will see what I can do..



Portal Pro
March 17, 2006

I'm going to try out the UDP stuff, but Itll take a little while since I dont even have VStudio in this machine, so I'm just going over the sources in a text editor, makes it a bit hard to find out really whats going on....

anyways, if you have a way of adding all of this to the SOAP interface, I think it would be a bit easier, cause then I dont need to have the webserver connecting to the UDP service, I can just have it fully SOAP...

Thanks a bunch!


Portal Pro
March 17, 2006
I think i'm going to settle to use the external interface plugin bundled with MPW. I feel it might be a bit easier to do what I need with it.

It is very similar in a lot of aspects to the soap control you have here (I do like your solution being a .DLL plugin, which doesnt require a webserver per se), but for sakes of using only one project, I think I'm going to use the external control webservice developeed by sam/maschine.

I will pop back here however, if I find that this interfce supports everything I need easily ;)



Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
sure thing, don't worry about it.

You have to use the tools that suit you best..

I will just carry on developing for the pocketPC, maybe, when I (the server) matures a bit it can be all part of a bigger interface..

small update for anyone interested:

i'm reworking the skin engine, i foud out that i had some logic in there thiat is just plain wrong, I could not define advanced controls (progressbar, rating togglebutton etc..)


Portal Pro
March 17, 2006
Hey Mr. Sensitive, now that I am really using ECP and tried your interface out....

Why dont you use ECP? It seems to do everything your interface does, and a few other things which you probably dont need as well, no?


(it would seem your UDP interface + ECP would work?)


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
well, initially I wanted to use the ECP plugin, but pocketPC does not supprt Remoting..

so I had to come up with another solution.. there was a tutorial somewhere on the web describing how to use a remoting interface using Webreferences.

only drawback is that you can not transfer complex datatypes. (no collections etc;..

so I had to write my own interfaces that return arrays...

also, back then no interfaces for reading the music library where available, don't know if they are now, haven't checked ECP anymore..

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