I think you should talk to @fforde since he saw many problems in MPEI which you could eleminate in MPEM. Also MPEI doesn't look good for skins. As you know StreamedMP still has NSIS installer or similar. Personally I think not compilable extensions (skins, logos) should not be distributed as packs. Only needed logos should be downloaded and maybe only needed skin files could be downloaded too (maybe by request?). Skin could be distrubuted as package only once and after that only receiving updates.In my personal thoughts svn diff perfectly suits for updating skins. I've already did tool that checking current version, checking changes with svn diff and downloading changed skin files for Black Glass skin. So no need to build exe patch like in streamedMP and no need to know file compiling for skin dev.And I will be asking for a LOT of input from every plugin developer, but if we make a nice modular install wizard adding new requirements can be done easily.