MPExtended /web mp 0.5.1 bsod (1 Viewer)


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  • April 23, 2004
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    Australia Australia
    hi all

    ive had a quick look at mpe 0.5.1 and loving the addition to chrome android browser for http live streaming.

    Now for the issue im having.. if i try repeatedly to start a different live tv stream.. it gives me a bsod (dont want to do it too many times to replicated the issue. Its most likely a tv tuner/ win7/driver issue but ive not seen it do this before .. EVER. I know theres a 30 sec timeout between using one channel and another with webMP..but if u force it by starting a tv stream WITHIN MP it causes a bsod. Perhaps some type of lockout is needed??

    Log below.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    but if u force it by starting a tv stream WITHIN MP it causes a bsod.
    This is an problem with MediaPortal, and you need to post it in the relevant forums. Also make sure to include the relevant logs (TvEngine, MP, event logs maybe, BSOD description, etc).


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
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    Australia Australia
    OK oxan. Thanks for the heads up. It just happened the once so it will still need some looking into by be.
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