Hi metalla_nz,
Thanks for the new dll & hopefully it will help you track down the issues.
I will go through my pc games one by one, I will get a screen grab of the errors displayed, and anything I can find out that may help.
I will start this tonight and continue towards the end of the week.
I will then go into the platform adding, and emulators tab and see what I get bringing the emulators and pluggins in.
I missed that one. Thanks
Thanks for the new dll & hopefully it will help you track down the issues.
I will go through my pc games one by one, I will get a screen grab of the errors displayed, and anything I can find out that may help.
I will start this tonight and continue towards the end of the week.
I will then go into the platform adding, and emulators tab and see what I get bringing the emulators and pluggins in.
and ive uploaded my images folder, which I inckluded in the first download.... but you ma have missed it.
I missed that one. Thanks