MPStandbyHandler - Does Not Record On 2nd And Subsequent Recordings (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
October 28, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi 5Hundred,

Still didn't seem to work.

I have attached the TVS log file which shows a few errors. Look at the bottom, the machine went to sleep around 12:30pm and woke at 1:30pm, but nothing recorded.




Portal Pro
December 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi i'm down in Hamilton, i'd recommend you remove the stop tv service before standby and move this event to resume. Of course place this before your existing start tvservice in the list and your pc will wake up stop the tvservice and then start it, which is effectively what your after.

The benefit of doing it this way is that if MPSH stuffs up after starting for whatever reason as appears to be the case here it shouldn't affect the tvservice, because it wont be stopped in the first place. If MPSH works correctlyt then the service will be both stopped and started.

I found with vista that having MPSH perform the TVservice stop event prior to standby caused me problems.


Portal Pro
October 28, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
OK, thanks. Will give it a shot. I have also upgraded to tversion 4 (I was on version 2)

What Delay and timeout settings would you recommend for all these settings? I have a Nova 500-T dual Tuner Card and have set 20 seconds delay within the TVS.

Will let you know how I go.




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  • July 8, 2008
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    I had similar problems. My solution was to increase the timeout for TVservice on the restart tab in MPStanbyhandler to 40 secs.
    The problem on my machine is / was that the tvservice takes about 35 secs. to start, so the default 20 secs. timeout in MPStandbyhandler was way too short. Setting it to 40 secs. gives enough time that the service is surely started.

    So maybe this is could be a reason why your machine doesn't record after wakeup...


    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    The 20 seconds was a guideline for the delay detecting TVcards, this could be anywhere between 10 - 60 seconds, depending on how well your hardware components work with each other, especially if your memory is not using dual channel mode.


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2005
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    My case is more complex

    Problem 1
    DVB-card is not initialized on resuming, causing me to loose recordings on resuming from hibernation
    > in Mpsh or nnCron (on resume):
    restart DVB-driver

    Problem 2
    Restarting DVB-driver when TVServer is already running may cause issues (I saw it when I used nnCron with driver control)
    > in Mpsh (on resume):
    1) stop TVServer,
    2) restart DVB-driver,
    3) start TVServer

    Problem 3
    As TVServer is marked in “Services” to be launched “Auto”, problem 2 may occur, because I’m not pretty much sure that it always starts before step 1.
    > In “Services” TVServer to be marked as “manually”,
    > in Mpsh (on resume):
    2) restart DVB-driver,
    3) start TVServer

    Problem 4
    Arises from problem 3, as starup section is not yet implemented in Mpsh.
    > use nnCron to start TVServer with a Start-up script:
    3) start TVServer

    Problem 5
    TVServer rejects connection from MP for quite a long time.
    MP (after starting up/resuming) asks me to put the hostname of my TVServer.
    a) restart MP manually,
    b) use MS loopback adaptor.

    Problem 6
    MS SQL (My SQL) starts after TVServer tries to connect to the DB (“login “sa” rejected).
    MP (after starting up/resuming) has a blank “on now” window.
    a) restart MP manually,
    b) put a delay in MP console (in my case – 40-50 secs).

    Problem 7
    TVServer can’t lock DVB-card on starting up/resuming, even DVB-driver is restarted, causing me to loose 3 of 3 scheduled recordings every night.
    a) choose any FTA channel and come back (works only when watching TV, but not recording with a scheduler),
    b) check an option in TVServer console to build the graph (it’s working and I loose only 1 program from 3 scheduled).

    Problem 8
    Arises from problem 6 and might be 7 (b).
    The whole procedure takes time.
    MP (although “wait for TVServer to start” is checked) starts counting down before TVServer finishes the whole procedure.
    100 secs of delay (maximum value in MP console) is not enough. With this maximum delay MP reads channels and groups according to logs, but “on screen” window for TV is blank, Radio channels and groups are present.
    a) restart MP manually (waiting again 100 secs),
    > uncheck “start with windows” and “restart on resuming” in MP console, putting a zero delay,
    > in Mpsh (on resume):
    2) restart DVB-driver,
    3) start TVServer,
    4) delay (>100 secs),
    5) start MP,
    > nnCron (start up):
    3) start TVServer,
    4) delay (>100 secs),
    5) start MP,

    Problem 9
    I still don’t want to loose anything (see problem 7).
    Automatically starting timeshifting a predefined FTA-channel when TVServer starts might be the solution.
    Here’s an example of how to do this (I’m not a coder, unfortunately):
    TV-Server_Development/TV-Server_devexample2 - MediaPortal Manual Documentation

    So, the procedure might be like this:
    > TVServer – “manual” in “Services”,
    > (in MP console) “start with windows” and “resume after standby” are unchecked, delay = 0,
    > in (PowerScheduler) put the time (Time 1) before waking PC up for recording, where Time 1 > Time 2 * Counter (see below),
    > in Mpsh (on resume):
    2) restart DVB-driver,
    3) start TVServer (with or without building a graph),
    4a) watch TVServer to start (e.g. there’s a line showing it in the log-file),
    4b) start timeshifting channel (Channel N, predefined by a user) for Time 1 (period if timeshifting in secs),
    - if timeshifting is successful (e.g. there’s a TS-file in timeshifting directory or a corresponding line in the log), stop timeshifting and go to (5),
    - if unsuccessful, repeat timeshifting, but not more than Counter (number of retries),
    - if the last retry is unsuccessful, go to (5)
    5) start MP,
    > nnCron (start up):
    3) start TVServer (with or without building a graph),
    4a) watch TVServer to start (e.g. there’s a line showing it in the log-file),
    4b) start timeshifting channel (Channel N, predefined by a user) for Time 2 (period if timeshifting in secs),
    - if timeshifting is successful (e.g. there’s a TS-file in timeshifting directory or a corresponding line in the log), stop timeshifting and go to (5),
    - if unsuccessful, repeat timeshifting, but not more than Counter (number of retries),
    - if the last retry is unsuccessful, go to (5)
    5) start MP.

    Of course, I’d love the startup procedure to be made by Mpsh, as I should think much how to do it with nnCron.

    Problem 10
    If MP is started and if the tuner is still unlocked, there’s nothing for me, but to switch to an FTA channel and come back.
    But if it occurs with a scheduled recording there might be another problem.
    I looked through logs and saw that if the tuner is not locked TVServer tries to make a record every 15 secs until the scheduled time finishes. And only then tries to go to hibernation.

    So I see a very long record in the log with this always repeating:

    2008-11-27 07:09:49.625000 [5]: Recording ДЖАЗ added in _recordingsInProgressList

    2008-11-27 07:09:49.640625 [28]: card: Tuner locked: False
    2008-11-27 07:09:49.656250 [28]: **************************************************
    2008-11-27 07:09:49.656250 [28]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 0, SIGNAL QUALITY: 0 *****
    2008-11-27 07:09:49.656250 [28]: **************************************************
    If after that PC tries to go to hibernation as it is planned by PowerScheduler and there’ no more activity, PC dies with a blue screen “going to standby” until I restart it in the morning.
    In logs I see this:
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.500000 [5]: PowerScheduler: lastUserTime: 05:40:42.7820 , True
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.500000 [5]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:GenericWakeupHandler time:31.12.9999 23:59:59
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.500000 [5]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:confused:cheduledRecordingsHandler time:28.11.2008 0:55:00
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.500000 [5]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:EpgGrabbingHandler time:27.11.2008 14:02:00
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.515625 [5]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:powerSchedulerClientPlugin time:27.11.2008 14:00:00
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.515625 [5]: PowerScheduler: lastUserTime: 05:40:42.7820 , True
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.515625 [5]: PowerScheduler: System is unattended and idle - initiate suspend/hibernate
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.515625 [5]: PowerScheduler: Manual system suspend requested by
    2008-11-27 07:20:24.515625 [5]: PowerScheduler: Concurrent shutdown was ignored: Hibernate ; force: True

    2008-11-27 08:07:24.500000 [21]: PowerScheduler: lastUserTime: 05:40:42.7820 , True
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.500000 [21]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:GenericWakeupHandler time:31.12.9999 23:59:59
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.500000 [21]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:confused:cheduledRecordingsHandler time:28.11.2008 0:55:00
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.500000 [21]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:EpgGrabbingHandler time:27.11.2008 14:02:00
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.515625 [21]: PowerScheduler.NextWakeupTime: inspecting handler:powerSchedulerClientPlugin time:27.11.2008 14:00:00
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.515625 [21]: PowerScheduler: lastUserTime: 05:40:42.7820 , True
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.515625 [21]: PowerScheduler: System is unattended and idle - initiate suspend/hibernate
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.515625 [21]: PowerScheduler: Manual system suspend requested by
    2008-11-27 08:07:24.515625 [21]: PowerScheduler: Concurrent shutdown was ignored: Hibernate ; force: True

    You see I’m loosing other possible recordings, because PC is dead and needs me to make a hard reset.


    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi Michael,

    Must admit, I have not tried to extend the timeout on the basis that as soon as my machine boots up, I start Media Portal straight away without issues, but maybe standby is different, so I will give it a go.

    Last night I upgraded to RC4 and removed MPStandbyHandler as I was hoping from other forums that RC4 solved all the sleeping issues.




    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi all,

    OK, I tried to extend the timeout right out to 45 seconds for the TV tuner re-initialisation and for TVS to startup and I still seem to have the problem of the 2nd recording not working, so I'm now thinking that perhaps it's the suspend routine that's at fault i.e. I leave the machine in the Main Menu. it starts up records, goes back to sleep but the 2nd recording does not work.

    Other observations - after starting the machine with the power button:

    - The MP Main Menu screen is up, but it is frozen i.e. cannot use the remote or keyboard to do anything

    - Only way to get out is to go to task manager and kill MP off - it's sitting as "not responding"

    - The first recording has worked and is sitting in "Recorded TV"

    - The machine always seems to wake up and go to sleep as per Powerscheduler settings

    -"IR Remote" sometimes comes up as "IR Remote not working"

    - "HWC Helper" has stopped working most of the time

    I really need some expert help here as this problem has been going on for ages and DOING MY HEAD IN!!!!:confused::mad::mad:

    I managed to drop a Watchdog Log which I have attached.

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help sort this issue for me ans let me know any other information you need to help sort this problem.




    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi Again,

    OK, a bit more information.

    I have a NOVA 500-T Card (HD) and PVR 150 card (Analog)

    The Analog recording seemed to work OK, it's the HD recording that doesn't, so it sounds like it has to be something to do with the tuner card. I currently have this on a 45 second delay to re-initialise, but will try 120 seconds today to see what happens.

    The other issue is that it's specifically the MP Home page which comes up as "Not Responding" and is completely locked up when I turn the PC on after recording. I also noticed it is locked with the time showing of the initial sleep before the 2 recordings I am testing.

    So, I think it's just the 2 issues I need to resolve above and I should be OK.

    The log file I attached yesterday should give some clues.

    Any help appreciated.



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