J.B.N.: you can solve your tvserver exception by raise the amount of time before restart tvservice in the mpstandbyhandler options... With 0 (as default) me too get an error... raising this value to 5 i get no errors...
This because after killing the tvservice process the remoting channel is not free for some seconds and restarting the tv service cause the error because a remoting channel is already registered...
For whatever reason, unless i increased the time and set the stop tvservice prior to resume, got a mixed bag, sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not, with above settings, currently getting 100% success whether using remote or powerscheduler.
I dont think so. This is the maximum time to wait for the MP process to be killed. If the process is killed immediatly then you wont see a delay. -> plz give me the contents of the log windowHi, I would like to use your tool, but I've a problem.
"sec to wait for MP to be stopped" --> is useless, because my HTPC sleeps immediately
MP is killed, not stopped. But this is a good hint. I never used the watchdog, so i did not see this. I can implement to stop MP the "smooth" way and if this fails i still can kill it. OK?In addition, after waking up my HTPC the watchdog appears and says that MP crashed unexpectedtly
(does your tool kill the process or stop the task?)
No, but just came home to a .net error on resume, which when i clicked the good old continue, restarted TVServer splashscreen showed and then disappeared after its usual amount of time, which is strange because recording had already started 10 mins previous to my arrival, yet there's a full recording there.
you mean that TVS can't be stopped sometimes at resume?
I dont think so. This is the maximum time to wait for the MP process to be killed. If the process is killed immediatly then you wont see a delay. -> plz give me the contents of the log windowHi, I would like to use your tool, but I've a problem.
"sec to wait for MP to be stopped" --> is useless, because my HTPC sleeps immediately
MP is killed, not stopped. But this is a good hint. I never used the watchdog, so i did not see this. I can implement to stop MP the "smooth" way and if this fails i still can kill it. OK?In addition, after waking up my HTPC the watchdog appears and says that MP crashed unexpectedtly
(does your tool kill the process or stop the task?)
@RoXoR got a new version for you, i hope this one is more kind to your watchdog