mpTinoMediaServer beta (2 Viewers)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey Kaoh, thanks for your help. I installed 2.3.0 RC1 and I no longer get the exception info!

    Is there any documentation for your plugin? I reallize it is beta, but I thought I would ask!

    I am having trouble configuring. I am trying to get my MediaMVP to work with MP. I configured the Shares tab in your plugin. What is the difference between the Shares tab and the MediaPortal shares tab? What all do I have to configure?

    I did not configure anything else in MP, do I need to?

    On my MVP should I get the whole MP interface with home screen and all?

    Thanks for any help you can give.



    Portal Pro
    September 11, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    You can configure it two ways, tell it where everything is using the Shared Folders tab and/or inherit the shares of mediaportal using the MediaPortal shares tab, but then you need mediaportal shares configured.
    Selecting each media types tells the server what shares to use from each media app within mediaportal.

    You should not get MP interface on a client device, only the list of folders and shares etc, using the device its own interface you should be able to navigate through the folders and select your media.

    I hope this helps.


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Thanks for the very clear and helpful response. I guess I did everything perfectly (it did take over seven minutes to load MP the first time). I was expecting the MP interface.

    Since I can already access all my shares from the native software on the MVP, I'm not exactly sure what the point of the plugin is? Am I missing something? What does it add?

    Thanks again!



    Portal Pro
    September 11, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Well now any UPnP client device in your network will be able to play this content also... but it is useless unless you have one of those ;)


    Portal Pro
    August 1, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    I'm not sure after reading this thread : is this server plugin working in combination with PS3?
    I'm using the Nero Media Home now to stream my media to the PS3, but I'd prefer to have it running within MediaPortal off course :)


    Portal Pro
    September 11, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Sorry, just try, there are some implementation difference in UPnP clients, some older stuff use not real UPnP and some newer stuff uses the newer dialects. See the above information about the MS implementation for example.
    But there is a good change it will work, so just give it a try.


    Portal Pro
    February 19, 2005
    The PS3 will probably recognise your mpTino, but it will likey report that the media you are trying to play is unsopported format.. even if it's just a plain mp3.

    I spent some time trying to figure this out myself using the Platinum C++ SDK (was actually trying to figure out how to get the PS3 to recognise album covers... haven't cracked tha yet.)

    For the PS3 to play the content from mpTino the http-get needs to contain the DNLA references. As far as I can tell the PS3 control point is using this to filter out non DNLA content. I belive this is part of the spec for DNLA devices using http-get requests. UPnP spec staes its an optional ( i think from recollection)



    nero Home Media:

    You could change this is the mpTino code to add this to the http-get string pretty easily. Should work, and any other UPnP v1.0 renderer should ignore this part anyway. ( in theory)

    BTW. I started on a UPnPMediaRender using the same Intel Stack, hit some big problems in getting LastChange events to objects into the defined XML DOM and comparing XML strings, not my stongest point, but then neither is C#, I think I've craked that.. with a bit of a hack...for now, so I will as time allows continue.

    Anyone who want to help is more then welcome.

    So far I have a basic MediaRenderer class with a working RenderingControlService I plan on exposing all the attributes like "Volume" to MP through public Properties. It will need a Control Point as well.. I'm using a seperate one ( Intel Device Spy) for now for testing.

    Once I get into the mp code though I'm really going to slow down.... I have no idea how to buffer an MP3 using g_player and work out whether it's still in the process buffering or is able to be played ...


    Portal Pro
    May 12, 2004
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    Sweden Sweden
    Flipit, you should test XBMC for Linux or XBMC for Windows (XBMC for Xbox is not fully UPnP compliant as the Xbox do not support multicast). XBMC also uses the Platinum C++ SDK, in fact is was c0diq (the author of the Platinum C++ SDK) who originaly implemented it in XBMC, c0diq has however gone M.I.A. recently and currently another XBMC developer, Elupus, is working/maintaining the UPnP parts in XBMC, (Elupus is a member of this MediaPortal forum as well as the official XBMC forum, and I do believe he has a MediaPortal setup at home).

    XBMC has a UPnP MediaServer, a UPnP ControlPoint, and a UPnP MediaRender, and XBMC can today be compiled for Linux as well as Windows (and of course the original Xbox as well).

    I'm sure Elupus would not mind if you have any questions, it might benifit XBMC as well as MediaPortal.

    PS! I read that uShare (open source UPnP MediaServer for Linux) is now DNLA compliant and support the PS3 (and Xbox360)


    Portal Member
    July 14, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    flipit, if you grab the Platinum sources from our tree (xbmc), the mediarenderer works fine with lastchange stuff too. (not supported in official libs yet).


    Portal Pro
    September 11, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    It seems like Media Player 11 supports the UPNP, but it doesn't work with this plugin.
    I can see the device, but there are no valid content inside.

    I would love to see full blown uPnP implemented.

    Thing is, if you use for example the Intel media controller to retrieve the available URL of a music file, Media player will open the file without any problem from this URL.
    So the playing basics work.
    But it does not browse the server somehow.

    Ill look into that some more.

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