Just tested the Software "anchorfree-hotspot-shield" and the plugin works again !!!
I can't say much about impacts to the internet speed or the security. I have to test it today...
I can make some of the videos work again now, so I guess it's probably only some copyright holders who doesn't want their music videos accessed outside the U.S. ...
I have idea for new plugin for music videos. Well actualy it's not mine Please check this out: Last.fm + YouTube = music tv goodness. The idea is to combine Last.Fm and Youtube. I guess in MP could be used already built in scrobler plugin and YouTube plugin. So Scrobler would give a suggestion for next song to play and then the video movie is searched on youtube via youtube api. If you will try apllication that i posted in link you will see that it gives you really good results. At least for me it's working great. So this could replace mtv plugin which obviously doesn't work any more for non-us users.
Anyway i was planning to develope that plugin at some point. But if anyone likes idea and wants to make it wark please go ahead. I will be more than glad to just install it instead of develope it
How come I can watch videos from this site with my normal PC MTV MUSIC - Browse By Letter - A via Mozilla and not via Mediaportal ? Is it a different URL than what is used in the plugin code.
That is one cool idea... And wow, you could just use MyPrograms plus Autohotkey to make this work through your browser....
Man someone... Plugin now!!!!! Personalized media is where it is at.. Nothing like coming home, hitting one button and having music and videos you like delivered to your front door.. Cool
How come I can watch videos from this site with my normal PC MTV MUSIC - Browse By Letter - A via Mozilla and not via Mediaportal ? Is it a different URL than what is used in the plugin code.