MTV Music Videos Plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 2, 2008
Here the log

2008-12-02 14:30:55.546875 [ERROR][MPMain]: Flv on stop error Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at ShockwaveFlashObjects.IShockwaveFlash.DisableLocalSecurity()
at AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash.DisableLocalSecurity()
at MediaPortal.MyFLVPlayer.MTVPlayerPlugin.Stop()
2008-12-02 14:30:59.281250 [ERROR][MPMain]: Flv on stop error Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at ShockwaveFlashObjects.IShockwaveFlash.DisableLocalSecurity()
at AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash.DisableLocalSecurity()
at MediaPortal.MyFLVPlayer.MTVPlayerPlugin.Stop()
2008-12-02 14:31:11.140625 [ERROR][MPMain]: Flv on stop error Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at ShockwaveFlashObjects.IShockwaveFlash.DisableLocalSecurity()
at AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash.DisableLocalSecurity()
at MediaPortal.MyFLVPlayer.MTVPlayerPlugin.Stop()


sorry - i just had read the first 2 pages. After execution of the FlashUtil10a.exe update utility it works now.

Thank you.


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  • March 14, 2008
    USA, Greeneville, TN
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Yea, its a bummer MTV will only allow US folk access to their music videos but its a good thing ultrasurf gets around this nicely and is available for free download.


    Just run Ultrasurf before you use the MTV plugin, it will trick the site into thinking your IP is from USA. Ultrasurf also allowed me access to other 'US' only video sites like etc ..... Now thats a great idea for a new plugin... american TV show streaming! lol

    Would it be doable to make this a automated action on launcing MTV music videos and close it together with MTV music videos?

    ThX in advance...


    Portal Pro
    August 26, 2007
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    United States of America United States of America
    Never tried myprograms plugin but you could possibly run it from there before you boot up mtv plugin


    MP Donator
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  • March 14, 2008
    USA, Greeneville, TN
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Never tried myprograms plugin but you could possibly run it from there before you boot up mtv plugin

    That i could, but this system is going to be used by somebody else, so it should work a litle logic for them.

    (making my old Mediacenter ready for a frend, won't need it myself since im moving to the states in a few weeks, what a way to solve a problem ;) )


    Portal Pro
    December 15, 2008
    Undel -> my ID is 28050. You can see it in the mtvmusicmain.xml file under Skin\Indigo.

    My problem with Ultrareach. I'm from Denmark so I need to you this plug-in with Ultrareach and it works. Good. BUT then I have other plugins like Apple Trailers that doesn't work. I I think I cannot use the internet either.

    So unless I have do do something speciel settings in ultrareach I have this conflict. And therefore I actually has the same questions as Userjan. Is it possible to start ultrareach when starting MTV videos and shut it down afterwards? Or something like that.


    MP Donator
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  • March 14, 2008
    USA, Greeneville, TN
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    Netherlands Netherlands


    Portal Pro
    December 15, 2008
    I tried it, and I got it to work partly. Every time it gives me an IP in Germany. Why? What do I need to change?

    Sorry, forget it, I found it. Notepad didn't save the Torr file :) of cource because of me, not Notepad


    MP Donator
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  • October 9, 2006
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    Hello and thanks for the great plugin.

    This was working great for me for some time until I messed around with VLC player. Once I had that up and running, MTV quit working altogether - the old black screen of frustration (BSOF). So I uninstalled VLC and MTV then restarted the system and reinstalled MTV, reconfigured (both parts enabled) and I'm still getting the BSOF.

    I took a look at my log file and it appears that the MTV plugin is calling gplayer for playback. I don't know a lot about the mechanics of MediaPortal, but I *believe* that this is the internal player and not the proper MTV external player.

    So my question now is this - is there any way to get MP to call the correct player. I have triple checked the configuration and it *is* enabled and there are no other external players enabled at the moment.

    Thanks in advance for any input!

    I'll attach my log file in case someone finds it useful.

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