Music DSP effects (1 Viewer)


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  • August 15, 2008
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    There is something strange occuring as I also have it working fine now after loading MP Config and doing very little and saving the config. It then worked fine. I later went back into the config to change a setting in the DSP, and then the problem occured again consistently, until I went back in and saved changes again, and now it's good.

    Perhaps it is some issue with the plugin. I did have MP Config crash as well while testing a track. Nevermind. It's working now.

    Thanks for the reply.


    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I spoke too soon in my last reply. It is still crashing MP but not consistently. It can work well one listening session playing dozens of songs. Then another day I play a CD and it crashes after 20 seconds. I have had to remove the plugin to stop my wife complaining. The music sounds flat now in comparson.

    I did notice when it was working that there was the occasional music drop out every few minutes for a few milliseconds. This could be a clue and somehow related to the crashing.

    hwahrmann, I wonder if you could run the DSP for a few days or weeks, depending on how often you play music.MP, and see if you have any problems.

    Is MP using the latest version of BASS?



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  • September 15, 2004
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    well, i could try it on my side and see if i have a similar thing.

    No, we don't use the latest BASS version.
    This requires rewrite of some code, which we can't do for the 1.0 release.
    a upgrade to new BASS 2.4 is planned for 1.01.


    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    hwahrmann, I have some clues as to what may be causing the dsp to crash! I'm a software developer myself and I wrote a Winamp DSP plugin so I could debug the problem. My DSP is passing the data straight to the audio dsp you downloaded, and is trapping all errors.

    Over a 2 minute period, 8 exceptions occured calling ModifySamples and all 8 contained 4410 samples. I'm not sure why 4410 samples is crashing the DSP but it doesn't appear to like that number. Perhaps it is too large.

    Is there anything that can be done to reduce the size of the buffers being sent to the DSP?


    Well, some more debugging and I found that most calls contain 4410 samples and some 8820, and they work fine, so it is not a problem with 4410 samples at all.

    Since the plugin works with my app and Winamp with no noise or crashes then I think it must be the memory buffer being sent to the plugin is sometimes not the correct size, and this is causing the plugin to attempt to overwrite unallocated memory. That is all I think it can be.

    I am using a 2 second output buffer in the MP config rather than the default of 4 seconds I think it was. Perhaps this is the only difference between your and my configuration and may explain the problem? I'll go back to 4 seconds and see how it goes.

    You may like to test with a 2 second buffer.


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