Music Trivia (3 Viewers)


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  • April 6, 2005
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    skinfile for streamedMP

    I've made a xml-file for streamedMP. Hope you like it.


    • musictrivia.xml
      30.6 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    Hi jburnette!

    I enjoy playing your little game very much.

    Unfortunaltly I don't see any album art although I have album art for most of my songs.

    I think what your plugin does is: Looking for folder.jpg in the music folder.
    Because in rare cases, where I accidently had a folder.jpg the album art was shown.

    As my physical storage goes artist/tracks not artist/album/tracks I don´t use folder.jpg
    All my album art is in mediaportal/thumbs/album/*.*

    It seems you don´t make use of the thumbs folder.



    I use Mediaportal's GetFolderThumb method for retrieving the album thumbnails. I had never noticed this, but you're right - it only looks in the folder for an image. I'll look into switching over to another method for locating the thumbnails that should work in your situation as well.

    Thanks for the heads up on that!

    After 1 year I'd like to bring this request up again. I don' know if jburnette is still developping this plugin. He has been only once on the forums this year, so I doubt it.

    Maybe someone else would like to pick this up, it is a nice little plugin for music lovers.



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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    Just wanted to say that I've picked this one up and have been working on it since yesterday.. And today, I'm already quite happy with the results :)

    What's new: well, probably much.. I can't remember everything but I'll try to write most important things..

    * Completely rewritten in C# (not VB anymore)
    * Usability fixes
    * Localization
    * Skin improvements
    * (Hopefully) fixed cover art problem tomtom21000 has reported
    * Compatible with MePo 1.1 RC2

    What can You do to help::

    * Generate nice Blue3 and Blue3wide skin files or skin files for any other skins for that matter :) I only have generic ones that i transformed to work with Blue3wide quite well and am planning to do Black&White and Black Glass (Nova) ones soon.. Old skin files will not work since control IDs have changed. Also, few labels have changed (due to localization) but nothing major..
    * Test the plugin on large music database (since I don't have one on my dev PC). When doing tests, log level should be set to debug..
    * Submit translations

    I still have some stuff to finish so will attach beta version and generic skin in few hours..

    Attached is the MusicTrivia v2.0 :) If testing goes well and i get some feedback, MPEI release will follow..

    In the pack you will find latest plugin beta release and skin files for Blue3wide, Black & White 1080, Black Glass and Black Glass Nova.



    • MusicTrivia v2.0.0.0.rar
      30.7 KB


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    I just love how you take old and/or outdated plugins and fix and/or improve them! Big :D for that!


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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    Croatia Croatia
    Hey guys, i have updated the post with latest beta (some small improvements).. All promised skin files are included :)

    Edit: Updated again on 7.5.2010. All my TODO ideas are realized :)


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey SilentExcept, thanks for updating this fun plugin! Great for parties and contests! Have you considered starting a new forum thread for the new version? It would make it easier to find the current info in the first post.

    I have a minor issue that always existed in the plugin. When text3 (album) on the list is very long and scrolls, it does not display correctly. It can chop off text, and sometimes the scroll starts going very fast and jerky. I am not certain this is only in MusicTrivia. You will not see it often on a wide screen since there is much more room for text to display.

    I attached a screen shot (which shows the text chopped off) as well as a skin file for Blue3 (4:3) for you to use in the final release. I hope you will provide an MPEI file :)

    I have also skinned MusicTrivia for aMPed. Since aMPed is designed for large fonts, the issue I described above is more common; but I will support this plugin anyway, as it only happens sometimes, and does not affect the function or enjoyment. :D

    P.S. Feel free to edit the Blue3 skin file as you wish, I just did it very quickly.


    • MusicTrivia.jpg
      62.9 KB
    • MusicTrivia.xml
      30.6 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    Croatia Croatia
    I saw that behavior and already tried to fix it but with no success (as you can see in the code comment :))

    ATM, Label3 is used with artist and album text separated by \n (new line).

    I tried using separate Label2 and Label3 for artist and album but then the things get worse since Label2 is always aligned right (correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't investigate this much, but it certainly seemed so).. If Label 2 could be aligned left, it would be easy.. So to use separate labels, MePo code change is probably needed..

    Next question is, if the string would scroll nicely even without \n. If it wouldn't then this needs to be fixed in MePo code too..

    Anyhow, for now we'll have to live with this minor issue, but I'll try to do something in the future :)

    Glad you like the plugin, and thanks for the skin file! Will include it in next version installer..

    As for the new post, i will do it in the future.. This was just a beta version for users to test performance and submit translations and skinners to adapt skin files..


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    Yes, now you remind me I remember you are exactly correct. Sorry did not look at the code. You can see similar problems in Music when you select Big Icons List in Albums view. Long artist names do not display correctly there either. And I remember now that in TV Mini Display you can also get weird results.

    There is a patch: New feature for listcontrol - textcontent3 that maybe could be used for MusicTrivia as well? Unforutnately it got postponed just before Mr. Freeze took over. Where is Batman when you need him?


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    AW: Music Trivia

    Hi SilentExcept,

    thank you very much for updating the plugin and implementing my requests.

    Everything works very well.

    My database is about 18k songs and everything works nice and fast.

    I attach a German language file. You will have to check it for formal correctness. It is not tested. Strings should be O.K. and not too long.



    • ger-deu.txt
      30.6 KB

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