SilentExcept, for giving a new live to this plugin, always loved it. Now if we could only solve those stupid listcontrol text/scroll bugs on long texts (which does not happen that often on my widescreen) it would be absolutely perfect!
Haven't looked at it yet but fanart of selected item might be a nice addition, dunno if I could get it to go, will see.
I have tried what you suggested (add fanart for selected item) but the property #selecteditem returns the name of the track. #selecteditem2 doesn't seam to have a value. If the plugin author could fill #selecteditem2 with the artist then I have the fanart handler ready to support fanart for selected item
i attach a new version of the german language file.
This time I used an xml Editor. The old file had some xml errors.
This time the file is tested. Everything works fine.
Only thing is the blue3 wide skin with which I tested: The "score" string should be."Punktestand" but this overlaps the points field. I named it "Punkte" but that is still too long. Maybe the skin file could be optimized.