MusicEvolution - a new music plugin for MediaPortal (3 Viewers)


Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    With the intention of improving the current music section in MediaPortal, we have decied to start work on the design, then development of a new plugin that we've named MusicEvolution.

    Current status:

    Plugin team is currently looking for willing coders, preferably someone with experience.
    Development planning is ongoing.

    Team so far consists of:
    Emphatic (planning)
    Tringler (coding)
    CaNe| (coding)

    Planned features:

    * Support for portable devices (after a one time setup, instant recognition with local/device stored playlist support)
    * Global search box with input for keyboard and SMS-style (for your remote control)
    * Additional playlist paths can be set up in MP configuration
    * Careful RegEx parser for "automatic" finding of artist/album-data from files with lack of proper ID3 tagging
    * Support for online data grabbing with script support like Moving Pictures for localization
    * User interaction for unmatched/conflicting files directly in GUI like MP TV-Series
    * Commit downloaded data to ID3-tag (available as "Hidden feature" in the GUI?)
    * "Hidden" advanced GUI options - show file path | mark database entries as incorrect/re-scan
    * Multiple layouts to choose from in GUI
    * Ability to give the plugin a custom name to show up in Home/Plugins list
    * In-Plugin Artwork browser - A browser to watch the scraper results for artwork, and also browse, select, delete existing artwork 
    [B]Available database fields:
    [/B]Artist | Album artist | Album | Track name | Genre | Duration | Remixer | Album artwork | Artist artwork
    Album rating | Track rating | Bitrate | Sample rate | Bit size | Sample freq. | Composer | Disc. no
    Date added | Year | Lyrics | Resume marker data (for audio books) | Custom | Mood
    "Album" and "Artist" would need some clever planning to allow for biography/discovery data as well.
    [B]Context menu[/B] (content dynamic options when browsing track, album or artist views):
    * Add to playlist
    * Change view
    * Artist fanart menu (enable/disable, like MP TV-Series)
    * Show extended options ("hidden GUI options") | pin code required
    * Settings | Show lyrics: on/off | Randomize available fanart: on/off
    [B]Playlist specific options:[/B]
    * Merge current playlist into saved playlist (select this, and all your saved playlists will be listed)
      -> confirmation "Are you sure?" yes/no -> save playlist as new yes/no
    * Edit playlist : re-arrange by artists | re-arrange by album | re-arrange by genre | re-arrange by play time
    (this will change the sorting descending, choose a "re-arrange" again to sort ascending)
    * Shuffle current playlist
    * When saving a playlist, you can set a "mood" marker for it, like "Party", "Make out-music", "Fancy dinner".
    You can use pre-defined or name them "on the fly"


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    hi emphatic !..... excelent ... i will like to volunteer to be a tester for this plugin .... when you guys get to time for testing it ,
    please let me know ..

    Thank you guys for this plugin ...:D

    ho and i thing you forgat the "T" in Tringler name the first post ...;)


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    :D emphatic for picking this one up.
    I followed your discussion on the other my music thread and I think there has been some quite nice ideas for all this. Looking forward to it!


    Portal Member
    October 20, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I totally agree with the fact that the current Music plugin isn't doing it for us.
    Unfortunately I am no coder but I am willing to test any release that needs testing.


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    • Thread starter
    • Moderator
    • #9
    First post updated with new team member. :p

    CaNe| is currently handling the MyTorrents plugin + more stuff regarding MediaPortal and I'm pretty excited to have him on board with us!


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