mVids - Music Video Database (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 19, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Did someone yell my name?


Anyway, im still here and the last couple of weeks have gone slow as i've had to earn some money.

The whole configuration half of the plugin is done. Its been tested reasonably well so shouldnt have any issues.

Im working through the MP interface part at the moment, but there is very little documentation around about how to code the front end, So im going through other peoples code and trying to work it out from there, so its going slow.

As an aside while trying to work things out, i found a disassembler which i pulled apart the original mvids.dll and got the source code out of ( of course after I had done to much to stop ) .

Anyway its still coming.

Currently the config works and it displays a list of artists in MP, and can play all tracks randomly. But its coming along.


Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Hey Metalla, glad to hear you are making progress.

    While skinning MVids (again!) I noticed a couple things you might be able to consider while you are at it :)

    1. The Hierarchy for Videos is kinda weird cuz it just lists the Artist which you can easily add to the Video view anyway. It would be more consistent if it displayed "Videos" like it does "Artists", "Tags" etc.
    2. Any way to get a Video count for the number of videos for an artist in Video view? I know you can get it in Artist view, but it doesn't work when you are in Video View. One easy way is to enable $itemcount in the plugin so it can be used in any view.
    3. I cannot get the first fanart image to display when the plugin first opens. Once I navigate to another artist all the fanart displalys correctly. However, I do have trouble getting fade animations working on the fanart - it works sometimes and not others. I have the same problems using the Blue3 skin provided with MVids (and in other skins). In general, better fanart control would be great including the option to download it in Mvids Config (assuming you can find a good source with api)
    4. The video thumbnails at 40x30 resolution are almost useless anywhere other than in a listcontrol where they are too small too see clearly anyway. Any chance of making them a little bigger, or making that a user option, or making a small and large thumb like MP does for Picture thumbs and Music thumbs (and then letting us skiinners access the larger one if we need to!)

    I don't mean to load on you, just thought the feedback might be helpful. It's an awesome plugin, I love it and can't wait for your new version!


    Portal Pro
    June 19, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Currerntly the thumbs are getting created at the same size as the video is (in my collection about 350px high.

    Does the MP skinning engine allow for dynamic resizing of images? Or would i need to produce them all at a known resolution? And if so what res does everyone want?


    Docs Group Manager
  • Premium Supporter
  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Currerntly the thumbs are getting created at the same size as the video is (in my collection about 350px high.

    My Video thumbnails were 40px x 30px on videos that are 352 x 240 resolution, about 10% the size you are getting!

    In Mvids Config my thumbnail height is set to 350. I tried refreshing Thumbnails, but no changes.

    So I tried adding 15 sec to the Thumb time and eureka - almost all my thumbs updated to 456x350. I guess you have to add a value to the Thumb time! I was sure I had done that before!

    That resolution is fine for me. They look great now! Thanks for the tip that got me there.


    Portal Pro
    June 19, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Sorry guys, have been a little unwell. Just opening it up again for another go at this thing.

    Sorry its taking a while.


    Extension Developer
    February 8, 2007
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Have you update your code on Google?

    Thank you, and don't worry, take your time...


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