Goahead said:Hi Miknord
You quit right in the terms of disk temp/case/memorie etc etc...
A good solution is to put one more fan extrating the air from the case (not the CPU fan)... but the case as no room for that.
Whats the air flow of the PowerFan? is it extrating air trough the power module or sucking air from outside?
That should help a bit lowering the temp inside the case.
A great solution shloud be puting the pc inside a fridge next to the beers 8) ... noise free and super cooled PC!!!
You didnt have any issue with the tv card?
Hi All, I did the MikNord mod with a Papst CPU replacement and the 5v PSU config too, the PSU cooler is blowing the air OUT of the case by the way, and I must say it made a cooler case.
The problem is indeed solved, since the PSU dosen't spin up making a lot of noise since the hot air is now vaccumed out by the reversed CPU-fan so the PSU is now operating ssssiiiiilllleeennnnttt !