My Films 5 - Testing (4 Viewers)

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  • August 20, 2007
    Depending on how you use MyFilms and your catalog for title:
    or directly
    See also:
    site - whatever you want (youtube, IMDB, Appletrailer, etc.)
    But there is also buttons in context menu in MyFilms, that do that directly, independant from skin.


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  • July 16, 2010
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    New to My Films - thought I would have a play though (having used Media Browser for 7mc I wanted to get box set support and Moving Pictures doesn't cut the mustard here).

    Thought I would post suggestions and possibly bugs (might have been me doing silly things :) )

    I'm starting my films database from scratch and using My Films for the entire setup process (I believe your external catalog support doesn't handle box sets).
    During the setup wizard - maybe ask for Artwork location where it should create/download all artwork.
    This seemed to default to MediaPortal's ProgramData folder, this gets wiped with a uninstall/re-install of mepo.

    Eg, ask for artwork location, I then select C:\Film-Art - wizard then creates folders
    C:\Film-Art\Persons etc etc

    Some possible bugs found - Currently on build 1974 (latest at present time)

    Box Sets:
    My films folder currently has movies in this format
    E:\Movie-Storage\film3.mkv etc

    To try and create box sets I do this
    E:\Movie-Storage\Shrek\shrek 1.mkv
    E:\Movie-Storage\Shrek\shrek 2.mkv
    E:\Movie-Storage\Shrek\shrek 3.mkv

    I have Hierarchy Seperator set to default "\" and under the AMC import have folder as group identifier set. Grab settings to file + internet lookup.
    However - in Mepo - films aren't grouped but listed as separate films

    In My Films 5 setup - I set the cover images path to C:\Films-Art\Covers and prefix to blank.
    When AMC imports (I have Picture handling set to Full Path - prefix has funny text here, top of my head- C:\Film-Art\Covers\System.Window.Form...) covers are downloaded to C:\Film-Art\DB (location of my database file).

    Grabber script problem - set to IMDD-Full my films seem to import fine (some films popup asking me to confirm, it has the 100% right results every time, just needs me to click ok battle los angeles (2011).mkv is 1 of them, is it case sensitive - if I were to rename the file to Battle Los Angeles (2011) would it correctly identify?)

    Not a fan of the covers from IMDB, I believe you have a cover manager in dev though.
    Covers example:
    TMDB: <- much better

    Most collectors tend to grab data from IMDB and covers/artwork from TMBD (not sure how to do this in My Films).
    Setting AMC to grab everything from script TMDB-EN, all films are grabbed in a foreign language and artwork as well (I presume TMDB-EN is English???)

    Sorry for lack of logs, I presume by default they aren't debug mode, so they wont be much help atm - don't want to rescan collection as I'm on mobile broadband and minimal data download left. I'll have to wait until march to re-test with debug on, or I can test on a couple of films if you need my logs.

    Thanks for your good work so far!


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
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    Nice report/summary onelegend! I'll try to answer what I can ;) (I am also using build 1974)
    During the setup wizard - maybe ask for Artwork location where it should create/download all artwork.
    This seemed to default to MediaPortal's ProgramData folder, this gets wiped with a uninstall/re-install of mepo.
    As you noted, the wizard presets the path for movie covers to your film catalog folder by default. I always change mine to a subfolder using relative path and prefix 'pictures\' as that is the setting I used in AMC for years. Of course, every catalog/user has different preferences. The point is that you can select whatever location you prefer/use. I tend to agree with you about fanart and person images path - I always change mine to a subfolder of my catalog folder as well, so I never lose it. I'm not a fan of program data, but it is the only path MF knows/can find for the default images installed with MF ;) The Wizard could ask, or have a 'check' button to use catalog folder for all artwork, but we want to keep the Wizard as simple as possible with not too many screens/questions or it stops being a 'quick' setup!
    I have Hierarchy Seperator set to default "\" and under the AMC import have folder as group identifier set. Grab settings to file + internet lookup.
    However - in Mepo - films aren't grouped but listed as separate films.
    Are they sorted by name? Obviously other sorts display 'grouped' films separately. If so, I wonder if MF manages the dash (-) in your folder names properly? Guzzi would have to confirm that and probably need logs.
    In My Films 5 setup - I set the cover images path to C:\Films-Art\Covers and prefix to blank.
    When AMC imports (I have Picture handling set to Full Path - prefix has funny text here, top of my head- C:\Film-Art\Covers\System.Window.Form...) covers are downloaded to C:\Film-Art\DB (location of my database file).
    Sounds like a bug! I can't reproduce it yet, but I'll try to setup a test using your folder structure and check.
    Grabber script problem - set to IMDD-Full my films seem to import fine (some films popup asking me to confirm, it has the 100% right results every time, just needs me to click ok battle los angeles (2011).mkv is 1 of them, is it case sensitive - if I were to rename the file to Battle Los Angeles (2011) would it correctly identify?)
    I'm not sure about case sensitivity, but IIRC in 5.2.x once you grab data from IMDb MF will store the IMDb ID (tt#) and use it to match any future updates for that film. But yeah, I know it is nice to have as few manual matches on first import as possible. You can always tell if a 'rename' would help by checking the list of possible matches and the fuzzy distance. If you get more than one film with the same name and year, then there is not much MF can do unless it has the exact tt#. However, after using AMCU for a while now, I find it easier to let MF set the match than to rename all my files!
    Not a fan of the covers from IMDB, I believe you have a cover manager in dev though.
    Covers example:
    TMDB: <- much better
    Most collectors tend to grab data from IMDB and covers/artwork from TMBD (not sure how to do this in My Films).
    IMDb Full does not use the 'normal' cover from IMDb - it uses the big cover which is much better. Still I agree with you and often use TMDB for covers. You could do that even in 5.1 in MF GUI - just update the picture field using TMDB grabber. However, you are correct, 5.2 includes a cover manager which makes it a lot easier to add covers and select/change the one you wish to display. I haven't tested in build 1974 yet, but it was working nicely in previous 5.2 test builds (from the Details Window Context menu)
    EDIT: It should be possible to create a grabber using IMDB for data and TMDB for covers similar to the IMDB.DE-OFDB.xml grabber. It would be slower (and IMDB is already a bit slow) but it might be something many users would like/use?
    Setting AMC to grab everything from script TMDB-EN, all films are grabbed in a foreign language and artwork as well (I presume TMDB-EN is English???)
    Did you mean AMC or AMC Updater? I assume AMCUpdater, but just checking! Yes TMDB-EN is English grabber - when I test it in both Grabber Engine and AMCU using Sample Movies DB, the data is all in English, but I did get the German cover. So looks like a bug in the grabber (or language setting?)

    IIRC debug mode does not affects MyFilmsAMCupdater.log since AMC Updater is a separate app (and can be run independently of MediaPortal). So at least that log should be useful for any AMCU/import issues. But yes you might need to turn on Debug logging for details in MyFilms.log (and others)


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    - Added an IMDB-TMDBcoder grabber to trunk - it's based on IMDB grabber and takes cover from TMDB.
    - TMDB covers: It is currently taking covers from the end of the list of available covers - those often are in different foreign languages. Will see, if I can change that.
    - Re Box Sets: With latest version of AMCupdater, there is imho a better and more automatic way to handle it - that is naming the directory containing the movies to something containing a keyword (e.g. "(collection)") and add that keyword in AMCupdater to the boxset detection - that will give you nice identifications and makes sure, the hierarchies are only applied to the collections you have. See sampleDB as an example.
    - Re Cover image path: Would need logs and imstruction to reproduce
    - Re pathes: We were thinking about changing the pathes and allow easier modifications - it is planned for post 5.2.


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  • July 16, 2010
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    I'll have a play tomorrow and hopefully get you some logs.

    Covers path doesn't seem to have any effect - it just downloads and looks for the covers in the DB folder location. Will confirm this tomorrow and get you logs.
    I'll create a new db and separate film location so that there is only a small hit on download bandwidth


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  • July 16, 2010
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    Sorry for not posting test results, was having a load of issues but I believe it's due to me being on a 3G Internet dongle. I think it provides a restricted content back on queries to tmdb, moving pictures also fails.

    I should have broadband back in end of month so will hopefully get my setup back up and running :)


    Portal Pro
    December 4, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    I´m getting an error when trying to import with AMCu. It happens in the 3rd step, and only if I check the "purge..." option


    • mf.png
      46.1 KB
    • MyFilmsAMCSettings_pelis.xml
      6.9 KB


    Portal Pro
    December 4, 2007
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