OK, I will have to go back check this again (I'd already checked it several times when trying to explain it the first time) I think the issue is that in EMM, "Original Title" is the optional one (blank) when movies get scraped automatically. However, when Ember writes the .nfo, it doesn't leave the <originaltitle> tag blank, it actually duplicates the value from the "Title" field, moving any leading articles "The", "A", "An", etc. to the end. In MyFilms/AMCUpdater, the .nfo grabber script looks for the <originaltitle> tag as the main movie title and the <title> tag as the translated title (I think). This is where the issue lies - if there's a leading article it has been moved to the end of the title, and that goes in as the main title, because EMM has mapped it to the <originaltitle> tag.So I assume you use Translated Title as your main (master) title in MF config? If you use Original Title, and some EMM NFOs don't have one, those movies won't import right? But how do you know if the <title> is an alternate title/translation or the actual original title?
Hmmmm...It has just occurred to me while typing this that all I need to do is ensure that I duplicate the "Title" value to the "Original Title" field in Ember when scraping movies, instead of leaving it blank, to ensure that Ember does not automatically duplicate the value for me with the leading article moved to the end of the title. DUH