Well, I just tested the Zucchero file from above - just threw in in a new folder called Testfiles, played it from MyMusic shares view, and I´ve got no problems at all (see screenshot)
Your problem seems to be not related to anything within MP, but more to your Windows system (the D3DERR from your log)
In general I never had any of your issues even with tracks which are not in the music Db
The problem seem to have something to do with the mp3 Id3-Tag.
(Example Zucchero) I deleted the Id3-Tags --> Plyaback doesn't stop when I enter MyLyrics - OK of course I get the message "not enough data for lyrics search" - but anyway - It doesn't stop playback
When I make ID3-Tags --> Stops Playing
I can't see any difference between files that work and those who dont work. I also tried to convert file to other bitrate - -> Still stops when there is ID3Tag "in" the file.
by the way: checked latest drivers and codecs - everthing seems to be OK...
Question is why it plays without any problems here "out of the box"?
Lyrics is there nearly instantanious (together with fanart as can be seen from my screenshot above)
Thanks for the helpful answer!
It would be nice to have a separate setting for this. The default setting in Configuration is good for reading media information, but much too fast for lyrics.
Also, according to documentation (though I did not have a chance to check that) it is possible to change scroll speed: S key: Increase the vertical scroll speed inscroll mode. A total of six speed available.
Code confirms that 'S' cycles GUIGraphicsContext.ScrollSpeedVertical value between 0,2,4,6,8 & 10. (Still did not have a chance to check that it works)