My Music - need your thoughts on how to improve and enhance (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
November 14, 2004

you are using the "folders" view - switch view to something else like "gerne" or "artist". These kind of views are database driven, that means you have to fill the music database first (configuration -> music -> database).


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  • April 7, 2005
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    I think I found a bug in the "now playing" screen: in the section "hits of this album": when I press the first title, nothing happens. Only on the second and third title a click will enqueue it in the playlist.
    This can happen for serval reasons. Most likely the DB lookup fails because the tag contains chars that need to be "filtered out" for the SQL statements. Or the file just isn't present at that place (anymore)

    One thing I don't like is that non-music folders (ie. License Backup) are listed when browsing music. MP should be smart enough to ignore folders containing no music.
    Where are these located? You could simply set up your shares to not contain these folders. Which files are shown depends on the extensions configured.

    Another wish I have. When browsing music, I can hit the play button on an album and it plays all songs. But when I select the album to display the tracks, there's no way to select all.
    Via the context menu "F9" or the "info" key on a remote you can see the entry "Add all to playlist"


    Portal Pro
    November 14, 2004
    BTW I have an idea for the scrobble-offline (=random) mode: please add a configuration so that only selected genres are included in the random selection.

    For example I have much Pop & Rock, but some audiobooks and children's music, too. When I go random, I don't want to hear an audiobook :)

    The Slimserver from the Squeezebox ( has this feature and this makes random mode pretty useful.


    Portal Pro
    July 17, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I've been reconfiguring the buttons on my medion X10 remote and I noticed the following:

    1. When playing a video, you can skip (+5sec, +10sec etc...) with the arrow buttons (move left, move right), and rewind and fast forward with the rewind and fast forward buttons. (seems sensible...)

    But in the music section the skipping is done with the rewind and fast forward butons, and the arrow buttons don't work in full screen mode.

    Wouldn't it be sensible if the music section would work the same as the video section?

    2. I'm trying to map a button for the now playing screen. I can get that working with the condition "media playing". But then the button also works when playing a video...


    Development Group
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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Where is that checkbox you're talking about?

    you should have at least a tag for Artist, Album and Title.
    if you have a lot of untagged files, you better use the Share view


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 7, 2005
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    I have don't import unknown tracks into data base checked and it still imports them. Is this a bug?

    i've deleted them and re added them countless times

    Please start a new thread with a full Mediaportal- & Configuration.log where you import those tracks. Rename your music database before to start with a fresh one.

    Maybe there's just an issue with the tag reader or something like this.


    Portal Member
    November 29, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    I miss the TPOS (part of set) tag in the My Music views. Much of my music is tagged with this and works excellent on my ipods. Changing this makes my music less practical to scroll on the ipod.

    Is there any hope of this?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    will be taken into consideration as soon as we have a new database structure.
    sometimes Q1 / 2007
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