My Music - need your thoughts on how to improve and enhance (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
July 16, 2006
wow that was quick, tried latest svn (10199) and got some errors.

Set up Albums view as:-
album group 1
=> compilation albums appear repeatedly once per artist. Though this is obviously when on the ungrouped second entry

Set up Albums view as:-
album group 1
album group 2
=> Get A..Z but all subfolders appear empty
[ERROR] SQL:MusicDatabaseV7.db3 cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:ERROR detailed:no such column: strTitle query:select UPPER(SUBSTR(strTitle,1,3)) IX, Count(*) from album where album.strAlbum like 'A%' group by ix order by strAlbum asc
[ERROR] musicdatabase exception err:confused:QL:MusicDatabaseV7.db3 cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:ERROR detailed:no such column: strTitle query:select UPPER(SUBSTR(strTitle,1,3)) IX, Count(*) from album where album.strAlbum like 'A%' group by ix order by strAlbum asc stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err) in D:\devel\vs7\mediaportal\Databases\SQLiteClient.cs:line 215
at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query) in D:\devel\vs7\mediaportal\Databases\SQLiteClient.cs:line 250
at MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsByIndex(String sql, List`1& songs, Int32 level, Boolean artistTable, Boolean albumTable, Boolean songTable, Boolean genreTable) in D:\devel\vs7\mediaportal\Databases\Music\Database.cs:line 601

I set Songs up as:-
title Group 1
title Group 2
=> and nothing appears!
error.log = 031 [ERROR] musicdatabase exception err:Index was outside the bounds of the array. stack: at MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsByIndex(String sql, List`1& songs, Int32 level, Boolean artistTable, Boolean albumTable, Boolean songTable, Boolean genreTable) in D:\devel\vs7\mediaportal\Databases\Music\Database.cs:line 616

It may be cos I'm using a music db with 41,000 song entries. It seems to work on albums and artists with 1 group entry but not 2 successive ones. Songs won't work at all with groups, without groups they work as before but takes about a minute for the view to load up. Great fast work though, cheers.


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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    i have to look into the compilatin albums.

    all the others work for me.
    will have a look on it on Monday.
    Weekend is reserved for other private activities

    thx for testing,



    Portal Member
    February 16, 2006

    Since the lasts updates I can no longer use the play button of my MCE remote control to play musics, when I do that, the music starts but no longer the "Now Playing screen" and the MediaPortal GUI crash, I can no longer move in menu either with remote control, mouse or keyboard, all I can do is to kill Mediaportal.

    But if I select a track and press the ok button of the remote everything is fine.

    Did someone else have the same problem?


    Portal Pro
    July 16, 2006
    OK I can see in my second example thats error logging that it seems to be selecting strTitle from album table instead of strAlbum

    One other aspect I was keen for was the ability to group based on number of entries. It seems that using group in conjunction with the Limit column would naturally facilitate this. So for songs it could be used:-
    selection    Operat    Restrict    Limit
    title            Group          1   
    title            Group         16          25

    Which assuming I selected A from the first page would then present me the first 16 chars (followed by ... to indicate further entries) of every 25th song. (Or I could leave Restrict blank to get whole song name...)

    I had to use a temp table as after much experimentation could see no other way to achieve this. By naming the main columns idRecord & strRecord I figured the select would be the same for artist, albums, songs etc. I figured using a temp table + select statement, for each step of the view would make it a lot easier to control as things could get pretty complex. I used a 'drop table' first to avoid having to tidy up temp tables (DROP IF EXISTS is in SQLite 3.3.0 dunno what ver MP is using)

    drop table view1;
    create temp table view1 AS SELECT UPPER(SUBSTR(strTitle,1,1)) AS strRecord, COUNT(*) AS cntRecord FROM song WHERE strRecord >= 'A' AND strRecord <= 'Z'  GROUP BY strRecord ORDER BY strRecord;
    INSERT INTO view1 VALUES('#', (SELECT cntRecord FROM (SELECT UPPER(SUBSTR(strTitle,1,1)) AS strRecord, count(strTitle) as cntRecord FROM song WHERE strRecord < 'A' OR strRecord  > 'Z')));
    select * FROM view1;

    If I select 'A' then view_level2 =
    drop table view2;
    create temp table view2 as select idSong AS idRecord, UPPER(strTitle) AS strRecord from song WHERE strRecord LIKE 'A%' ORDER BY strRecord asc;
    select SUBSTR(strRecord,1,16) || '...',rowid from view2 where rowid % 25 = 0;

    If I then select one of the 'song.....' columns I would use the rowid in a limit clause to create view_level3 for the third stage of filtering.
    drop table view3;
    create temp table view3 as SELECT * from view2 limit 100,25;
    select strTitle FROM song WHERE idSong IN (SELECT idRecord from view3) ORDER BY UPPER(strTitle);

    I experimented a lot with this concept to test it's viability and it seemed to work really well. Thanks for listening.


    Portal Pro
    December 15, 2005
    Murf same problem here. I do not know if it is a known bug or a new one. MP crashes if "go to playnow window is marked" in My music settings. The other two options are OK.



    Portal Pro
    December 21, 2005
    Zagreb, Croatia
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    Croatia Croatia
    There are two things that would be easy to do, and I think many users will be happy to see. Specially those "not so organised", and those who don't want to tag their song if they don't already have tags.

    Wherever it is possible for "unknown" to appear instead of something meaningfull, there should be a filename! So if the tags are not available let the filename be displayed. This is the first thing.

    The second thing is an option not to start playing the playlist automatically when a song is added to it.

    I know this shouldn't be difficult to do because I made such changes on the source for myself.



    Development Group
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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Austria Austria
    Murf, juandionis,

    your problems will be fixed tommorow.

    ivankurac3, i'll look into that as soon as i find more time.




    MP Donator
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  • January 30, 2005
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    Norway Norway

    Since the lasts updates I can no longer use the play button of my MCE remote control to play musics, when I do that, the music starts but no longer the "Now Playing screen" and the MediaPortal GUI crash, I can no longer move in menu either with remote control, mouse or keyboard, all I can do is to kill Mediaportal.

    But if I select a track and press the ok button of the remote everything is fine.

    Did someone else have the same problem?

    A quick fix.. now-playing screen has been refurbished.
    I assume you're using another skin than B2.
    Copy the MyMusic now playing xml-file from B2 skin-directory into the skin-folder you're using. Or just wait..;)
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