- Moderator
- #551
We want to see happy users.
We want to see happy users.
selection Operat Restrict Limit
title Group 1
title Group 16 25
drop table view1;
create temp table view1 AS SELECT UPPER(SUBSTR(strTitle,1,1)) AS strRecord, COUNT(*) AS cntRecord FROM song WHERE strRecord >= 'A' AND strRecord <= 'Z' GROUP BY strRecord ORDER BY strRecord;
INSERT INTO view1 VALUES('#', (SELECT cntRecord FROM (SELECT UPPER(SUBSTR(strTitle,1,1)) AS strRecord, count(strTitle) as cntRecord FROM song WHERE strRecord < 'A' OR strRecord > 'Z')));
select * FROM view1;
drop table view2;
create temp table view2 as select idSong AS idRecord, UPPER(strTitle) AS strRecord from song WHERE strRecord LIKE 'A%' ORDER BY strRecord asc;
select SUBSTR(strRecord,1,16) || '...',rowid from view2 where rowid % 25 = 0;
drop table view3;
create temp table view3 as SELECT * from view2 limit 100,25;
select strTitle FROM song WHERE idSong IN (SELECT idRecord from view3) ORDER BY UPPER(strTitle);
Since the lasts updates I can no longer use the play button of my MCE remote control to play musics, when I do that, the music starts but no longer the "Now Playing screen" and the MediaPortal GUI crash, I can no longer move in menu either with remote control, mouse or keyboard, all I can do is to kill Mediaportal.
But if I select a track and press the ok button of the remote everything is fine.
Did someone else have the same problem?