I've tested your plugin and it seems to be working but, when I play a video file, it doesn't start in fullscreen.
How can I select to play a file and it automatically starts in fullscreen?
Can you confirm your layout and parsing expression?
That seems very strange...
Can you tell me what the filename is. Ill see if i can reproduce. Do you have only the one video from that artist? My initial thoughts are that its something to do with downloading the artist image... But if it is it should fail more elegantly than that...
It should start in fullscreen. We have issues sometimes with it not, but appears only on some videos.
Whatisk, the problem lies with last.fm
Here is where I get the search results for Zlad, http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?m...lad!&api_key=166f3084d3dc07f015c42c497b42d12b
There is an error on the xml that last.fm is returning.... Unless they fix this your out of luck.