My Music Videos - V0.41 (5 Viewers)

How are your music video files named

  • Artist - Title

    Votes: 149 85.6%
  • Organised some other way

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • However they came

    Votes: 16 9.2%

  • Total voters


MP Donator
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  • December 31, 2006
    Bit of a Wierd one, the (') problem seems to be back

    If a (') appears in the file name, I get sound but no video e.g. Fleetwood Mac - Don't Stop
    Sniff 'N The Tears - Drivers Seat.

    Once done this then flows on to other videos for example create the problem in Music Videos, and then try to play a Foyle's War episode - Sound but no video.

    Sorry I have no logs, not at my HTPC at the moment, will post when I get a chance


    MP Donator
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  • May 21, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Great plugin so far!

    I have two small issues i haven't seen mentioned:

    1. When I press back after looking at an artist's video list it goes to the home screen, instead of returning to the artist list. To get back to the arist list i have to move up to the ".." and select it. (The plugin is set to show in home not my plugins BTW)

    2. Sometimes when I rescan it doesn't pick up all videos I have added, however if I scan again it picks them up. sometimes i have to do this a number of times.

    My system is Win7 MP1.0.2


    Portal Member
    October 8, 2008

    I also agree this is a great plugin, however I've tried to solve my fullscreen playback problem without success.

    My file works fine with mvids.


    Portal Member
    March 24, 2007
    1. When I press back after looking at an artist's video list it goes to the home screen, instead of returning to the artist list. To get back to the arist list i have to move up to the ".." and select it. (The plugin is set to show in home not my plugins BTW)
    I have that issue too, but it's not the end of the world.


    Portal Pro
    June 19, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi guys.

    Im aware of the back button going to Homescreen. Working on that soon.

    Dont know why you miss some on scan. will look into it.


    Portal Member
    April 8, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Love this plug in, it does EXACTLY want I want it to do!
    However a couple of small issues.

    1) If the Last FM title includes inverted commas it crashes when reading the folder - try "Weird Al" Yankovic as an example
    2) Is there a possibility of making the artist pictures smaller? Some of them are too large and even though they are 'behind' they obscure the text on the right hand side.
    3) Is there any chance of an option to not display and sort 'The' from groups that start with it eg "The Beatles", "The Ting Tings " etc.? Its real pain when there are so many that start with THE when you are listing them!


    Portal Pro
    June 19, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    1) If the Last FM title includes inverted commas it crashes when reading the folder - try "Weird Al" Yankovic as an example << Ill look into this, I though I had swuashed all thos bugs, please ensure you are using latest version
    2) Is there a possibility of making the artist pictures smaller? Some of them are too large and even though they are 'behind' they obscure the text on the right hand side. The latest version of the plugin resizes all the images down to a max width. I am no skinner, and the skins that come with the plugin are just what I threw together quickly to enable use. Im hoping someone can recitfy them....
    3) Is there any chance of an option to not display and sort 'The' from groups that start with it eg "The Beatles", "The Ting Tings " etc.? Its real pain when there are so many that start with THE when you are listing them! Can do, Ill make it as an option in the settings.

    Thanks for the feedback


    Portal Member
    April 8, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Brilliant. I am so impressed with this plugin - I have around 2500 music vids and this is the only sensible way I have found to play them!

    I am pretty sure it's the latest version - I downloaded it on Saturday, but will check when I get home tonight.

    I will stress about the points I have made to help with the de-bugging.

    1) On my local system the Wierd Al files are called eg wierd al - amish paradise.avi etc. Its Last FM who add the inverted commas.
    2) I did note your plea with help skinning, and thought that may be the case.
    3) I would like to not just hide the 'The' but for the names to be treated as if there is no 'The' in the sort.
    eg. The Beatles would be a 'B' sort, The Cure would be a 'C' and The Who would be a 'W'

    I think I may have found a bit of a hic-up using the remote control to select the starting letter of the titles. I am not too sure if this is the already-reported glitch.
    On my system, when using the remote to choose the starting letter it takes me directly into the first artists group of tracks, rather than the main list of artists. ie If I select 'R' it will take me directly into the sub list of Racy songs instead of the list of artists starting with 'R'.
    Its a simple matter of doing a 'Back' command on the remote to get back to the list of artists, and it may be my remote sending two click instead of one, but I thought it worth mentioning.

    I am really greatful for this plugin, and the fact you are still working on it and adapting it as people raise things.

    To be honest I actually use Media Portal around 90% for playing my music vids, so you can appreaciate how important this plug in is to me! :D


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    I've been meaning to tell you I am willing to help out with skinning once I get aMPed 2.1 released! However, I only have 4:3 screens (alas) so I can only do Blue3 for you. But it's a start!


    Portal Member
    December 2, 2008
    Feature request


    Would it be possible to add 2 features to the code:

    1) The possibility to list/sort the clips by name rather than artist name
    2) The possibility for the user to add custom video extensions (maybe via the standard mediaportal video setup?)

    Thank you

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