My Music won't play - and it's not why you think (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Can you please just try it again and post the log - load MP, try playing music, close MP, post mediaportal.log.

From what it looks like, your existing log does not show you starting MP, and it says you are playing a video file, not a music file. Note that if you keep MP open for long periods of time, it will overwrite the log file as soon as it reaches a certain size, hence why its better to close MP first, then load it again and try playing music, then closing it again before posting your log.



Portal Member
June 18, 2006
Try this:

I still don't know if you'll find what you're looking for. If I understand at all what's going on in that log, it looks like I opened the music database and then closed the program, which isn't the case. I navigated to a specific cd, when when it gets to listing each track, they are "grey-ed out" so that I can't even put the cursor over them.

I can play music in WMP, so it's not a player or codec problem, at least as I understand it. And I had no problem playing music in MP until this past weekend.

Thanks in advance.


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Interesting - the log basically says you opened MP, opened the My Music screen, went back to the home screen then exited.

Does MP exit on its own or did you exit it yourself by going to the 'x' button on the home screen?

Can you try the process again but using your keyboard this time?

And if possible, can you post a screenshot of the 'greyed out' bits? I'm not sure what you mean because yes, when the cursor is not over the an object on screen, it does lighten up and fade out a bit, but as soon as the cursor returns to it, it should return to full colour.



Portal Member
June 18, 2006
Like I mentioned above, that's NOT what I did. I went to My Music, navigated to an artist, then an album by that artist and once I get down to the actual songs, instead of looking like "normal" or like they should (I've been using MP off and on for over a year), the actually songs that I could/should be able to choose to play are faded or greyed out and I can't navigate TO the actual songs to try to play them. The "cursor" goes nowhere (not the mouse cursor, but the highlighted icon showing where you're nagivating), it basically disappears until I move it back to highlight an option on the left. This is exactly the same action/s that you would have if you chose DirectShow as your music player in the setup, as opposed to chosing WMP9.

I don't think a screenshot would be all that helpful...meaning that unless you can see it in "action" (or should I say "inaction!") it doesn't mean anything. If you go to setup and switch your music player to DirectShow, click OK and then try to navigate your music collection you'll see what I mean.

I don't mean to sound like a smartass, really!!

Believe me, I clicked around a LOT after navigating THROUGH my music library...why that doesn't show up in the log is beyond me.

Thanks again. I feel like a tit, as I usually know what the heck is going on with my system/s (I have three: laptop, media center and an XP box in my recording studio), but it seems that the more time I spend with Ubuntu (on the laptop), the more I understand it and the less I understand (or have patience for) Windows...which I've been using since 3.11.

I really do appreciate your help.

PS: I missed this last time, but I clicked "the green button" on the MCE remote and then navigated to the X from the main MP screen to exit. You said to exit before I sent you the log, right?


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Its not that I don't believe you, I was just telling you what the log says you did.

I asked if you could use your keyboard to control MP instead because I thought it may be because your MCE remote key-mappings/controls are stuffed up.

Anyway, the only other thing I can suggest is to update to the latest SVN and see how that goes - go to, download a SVN snapshot and extract its contents over your existing MP installation (backup your original installation first of course).

Speaking of Ubuntu, that's beginning to frustrate me :lol: I was trying to get sound working on it the other night - everything worked, but the rhythmbox program that's bundled with it. I had downloaded all the gstreamer plugins etc. to play MP3s but it still wouldn't work. Xine worked perfectly. I then managed to get into gstreamer's hidden property page (i.e. you had to run a command-line command to run it) and changed its output from Auto to ESD (no idea what the difference between ALSA, ESD or OSS is apart from that they're all sound architectures) and voila! I could hear sound again... Hope it doesn't mean something else is stuffed up now...

<stops rambling...>



Portal Member
June 18, 2006
I thought about loading the latest svn, but I don't think I understand how to set it up. The instructions were confusing and I really didn't want to spend all of last night trying to make it work!

I'm off to work now, but when I return, I'll try loading the svn and I'll trying using the keyboard, but the remote works just fine for everything else and it worked fine for playing music for the first week.

And as far as Ubuntu goes, it sounds like you're using Gnome. I've been using KDE (therefore Kubuntu) and using ALSA and never had a problem. I've heard that the gstreamer stuff is a bit wonky. I would also venture to guess that you need choose your sound architecture (ALSA, OSS, ESD) in the main settings (control panel-esque) section.

Also, (to stay completely off topic), I'm not sure about rhythmbox, but if you can run amarok on gnome, you should give it a try. Don't bother, though, if you're not running Dapper as you can only run the latest amarok on Dapper due to dependency issues.


Portal Member
June 18, 2006
Got brave, loaded the SVN, which SEEMS to be working OK (not much time to test) except, of course, My Music.

I'm rebuilding the music database, but that looks like it'll be a few more hours...sigh.

I'll update when I'm back from work.

Thanks again.


Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America

I could be way off base here but...

Sounds like you may be having a "focus" problem instead of a music problem.
That is why ronilse wanted you to use the default blue two skin verses
another (even if it is a modified BlueTwo skin).

Can you try with a mouse instead of the remote or keyboard?

The control focus order is set in a skin file and if the focus is
getting "trapped" on a control you may not be able to give the
listview of you music the focus, making the music list appear
like it is disabled(the default is to "dim" the listview when it does
not have focus). Using a mouse the focus should follow
the mouse pointer.

Another option is if you have full screen enabled but not always on top selected.
It is possible another app has taken the window focus from MP
and in full screen you cannot easliy tell this has happened so
clicking the GUI with the mouse could bring the window focus back.



Portal Member
June 18, 2006
Sorry for the short reply, but work calls...

I did try Blue Two, nothing was different. I also tried using the mouse, and again, still didn't work. But...I THINK that I have full screen enabled (actually, I know I do), but I don't believe that "always on top" is selected. I didn't see a need for this, obviously...if I'm running in full-screen mode, it doesn't seem logical that anything else could take focus away, but...

When I get home I'll try this. I will be shocked, yet relieved, if it's something so simple and especially if I didn't change any settings to cause this...


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