My PodCasts (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 15, 2007
I just launch everything through vlc. Adding tags in the parameters, you can have it launch fullsreen and then quit the app after the video is done. And it plays .m4v and .mp4 just fine.


Portal Pro
November 17, 2006
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Netherlands Netherlands
That's exactly what I do, too. Another advantage of that approach is that you can set a buffer for the vlc plugin (in ms), so that it reads ahead, thus minimizing lag. I have mine set to 5000ms..


Portal Member
April 10, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
fcsobel, I had this plug in working great before the RC1 release but since then i've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what i'm doing wrong. I've d/l your newest release and all i get is that green loading icon spinning around forever! I've tried tons of different feeds that i know are good but non of them work anymore. Am i doing something wrong or are we just in a holding pattern for now?

ps, thanks for all your work!


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005
fcsobel, I had this plug in working great before the RC1 release but since then i've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what i'm doing wrong. I've d/l your newest release and all i get is that green loading icon spinning around forever! I've tried tons of different feeds that i know are good but non of them work anymore. Am i doing something wrong or are we just in a holding pattern for now?

ps, thanks for all your work!

Should be able to get it working. What version of MP are you on now so I can pull it down and test.


Portal Member
April 10, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
at this point i dont remember what the last version i installed was. I know its at least the RC2. When i check the version number of the .exe it says is that it?


Portal Pro
October 2, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany

I have the same issue like Stefansor - when I start 'ARD Tagesschau' or 'ZDF heute' then I can hear the sound but have a black screen. I have MP RC2 build 16086 (today) and the latest podcast plugin. Same situation with SVN from 27.9. or without any SVN. Other podcasts (like Microsoft) work fine.
Interesting may be that it takes very long until playback starts (3-4 minutes) but this may be the file size. Anyhow for such wait times it would be nice to see something is happening (the first times I killed MP because I thought it was frozen). In the error log there is no message that could give an idea.
The media file is H264.mp4. If I download it (22mb<1minute) I can play it (with picture) with Video in MP either using ffdshow filter or Core AVC video decoder.
Thanks for any hint,


Portal Member
January 6, 2006
Home Country
England England
config issues

ok guys im afraid im gonna have to ask for some help here. i have installed the latest version of the podcast plugin ( with a clean install of mp (MediaPortal_0.2.3.0_RC3_Setup.exe) this is all good. However when i run MP and go into the podcast plugin and try to add a podcast from the list nothing seems to happen? i can see the pre configured search opml feeds but when u try to select a podcast to download it doesn't work:confused: also when i tried to configure the plugin from the mp config app to add in the following podcsast '' it adds it in the config screen but nothing appears when you run mp and go into the podcast plugin?? i presume i am doing something drastically wrong here? or does the plugin not support xml feeds (i can't imagine this is it as i thought opml was based on xlm?)

thanks in advance


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