My Recipies 0.2 (1 Viewer)



Here is the second release of the My Recipies plugin.

This version have many improvements:

a better formatted text for the recipie detail screen
printing function
yield calculator
delete recipie function
search recipie function
faster datahandling
add favorites to list

This version is in the next CVS Build/MP Version.

I hope you will have fun with this new version.. :wink:


Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004

    recognition and correct display of special characters, like ä,ö,ü. Not sure if it works for french à, é or swedish or...

    imports also mm format 8.0x



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    Little Bug report:

    1. When displaying a single recipe (not category!) the page up and down button do not work with mouse control. Well, they worked in 2 out of 10 cases.


    2. When entering a catagory and after looking at some recipes and leaving this category again, you will find yourself on page one of the categories With the recipie database I use there are 14 pages of categories. So scrolling down again to where you were at last (for example page 8 ) takes long and is a bit annoying. Any way to the categories page of the just visited category, in the example page 8?

    3. When using the yield calculator, you get funny measures like 1.6674328 onions.Would be nice to shorten it to 1.67 or something.

    Everything else works perfect for me! Great



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    This is from Gucky62 German description:
    Translation mistakes go on my account:
    (I think Gucky62 is preparing an english instruction, too)

    With version 0.3 of the recipie plugin, a new function "sub-category", is introduced. This comes in usefull with bigger recipe files which can contain some 290 categories. Usability of the module is somehow limited by so many categories. The new function gives you the possibility to use main categories and subcategories. The function needs a category file (plain .txt file) that has the following structure:
    #Main starts the main categories section. Give the categories subsequent numbers (1,2,3)
    1; beef
    2; cakes, sweets
    3; asian

    Use a number, then a ";" followed by the category text.

    after this
    # sorts starts the subcategories section:
    you use the number as reference to the main category like

    3; thai
    3; indian

    If you want to use the subcategories u have to check the accoording checkmark in the setup of the plugin..
    The categories file is not to be imported (!) but to be copied into the folder c:\Programs\TeamMediaportal\MediaPortal\database



    "The original"

    In der Version 0.3 des Rezept Plugins gibt es eine neue Funktion mit der
    Unterkategorien eingefügt werden können. Dies ist nützlich weil bei besonders
    großen Rezeptdateien über 290 Kategorien enthalten sein können. Die Handhabung
    des Moduls wird dadurch erschwert. Die neue Funktion erstellt eine
    Hauptkategorieliste mit den entsprechenden Unterkategorien. Die Funktion benötigt
    dazu eine Kategoriedatei die den folgenden Aufbau hat: (Beispiel)
    Das Kennzeichen „#Main“ leiten den
    Hauptkategoriebereich ein. Darauf folgen alle
    gewünschten Kategorien mit einer fortlaufenden
    Nummer. Nummer und Kategorietext werden durch ein
    Semikolon getrennt. Das Kennzeichen „#Sorts“ startet
    den Unterkategoriebereich. Die Nummer ist der
    jeweilige Bezug zur Hauptkategorie. Also Kategorie
    „Andere Länder“ mit der Nummer 4 hat damit die
    folgenden Unterkategorien: Asien, Griechisch,
    Mexikanisch, Ausland und Arabisch. Eine zu unseren
    Rezeptdateien passende Kategoriedatei ist hier erhältlich.
    Wenn man die neuen Unterkategorien nutzen möchte muss man dies im Setup
    auswählen (1.) Anschließend kann mit „…“ (2.) eine Kategoriedatei ausgewählt
    werden. (3. + 4.) Mit dem „Import“ Button kann der Import gestartet werden.


    Portal Member
    October 10, 2004
    Ok, made a test category file, had to import it to get it to register. Basically, I setup the menus with whatever names I wanted, but the submenus (sort) had to match the categories exactly to pick them up, and if I did not have a category in my file, that did not appear. Too bad there isn't a way to include all others when you get tired of entering them. I had to uncheck the category file so I could jot down the list of all categories to include in my file.

    Also, if you have a category under sort with no recipes in that category, you get an exception message.

    Thanks for the help.


    Portal Member
    October 10, 2004
    Here's another glitch, If I setup more than 9 main categories, then there are no entries in the submenus of 10+, some problem with the second digit. I tried numbering 01, 02, no help.


    Portal Member
    October 10, 2004
    Ok, scratch that, I had a , instead of a ; in the sort area, that halted the file import right before 10 started. Now it works fine


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    @edgarmoon: gucky62 will have a look at your findings. Stay tuned.



    Portal Member
    May 27, 2005
    Fix for small niggle

    Just started playing with this and noticed a small feature where if you view page 2 (or greater) or a recipie, click back and select another recipie then the newly opened recipie opens on the last page selected (which isn't useful if that recipie only has one page).

    Anyway, heres a small fix (not sure if it is the correct way to do things as only started looking at the code this morning) that corrects that behaviour.

    Not sure either how to get this into CVS (not got that far either :)

    Change to WindowsPlugins\GUIRecipies\GuiRecipies.cs method ShowDetails:

    private void ShowDetails(Recipie rec) // show recipie directions
    GUITextControl control = (GUITextControl)this.GetControl((int)Controls.CONTROL_TEXTBOX);
    control.OnMessage(new GUIMessage( GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET, GetID, 0, (int)Controls.CONTROL_TEXTBOX, 0, 0, null ) );

    GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_TEXTBOX, rec.ToString() );
    GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#itemcount"," ");

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