My TeleText - Internet TeleText plugin (was: My SVT Text) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 23, 2004
My SVT Text Upgraded to My TeleText

Teletext is back... My SVT Text has been upgraded to My TeleText and can handle any image teletext source, hopefully... A great place to start looking for teletext sources is Simply enter one or more teletext sources in the setup form and you're up and running! Beware though that some sites have restriced access to web only, such as NOS Netherlands, such sources will not work in ths plugin. To enter a source url use the following pattern:

Example: TV4 Sweden page 100 has url: where the 1 in the middle is the first digit of the page number. The TeleText plugin can handle this if you enter the following in the setup:$page(x)/P$page(xxx)S$subPage(xx).gif

$page(x) = first digit of every 3 digit page number
$page(xxx) = the page number
$subPage(xx) = the subpage number, for example 01, if the source doesn't use a 0 first just enter $subPage(x) for just a 1.

Each source can have a set of five favorite pages that will be displayed as buttons in MP.

There is also a fullscreen mode, you can activate this by pressing the fullscreen button on the screen and go back with "Back" on your remote. Page navigation in the fullscreen mode is as follows:
Up/down = next/previous page
Right/left = next/previous subpage
Any number = goto page (this of course applies to non fullscreen mode also)

You can also do an overscan adjustment for the fullscreen mode in the setup, My TeleText uses its own since me myself doesn't use the MP ovescan settings because my overscan isn't that severe and I want to maintain the highest video quality, however, when reading teletext, viewing the whole page is a must.

I have included skin files for mce and mce05, perhaps I'll add more later.

On my todo list:
- Better looking page number input in fullscreen mode
- Sometimes pages that exist doesn't show up, this only happens with some sources, I don't know what is causing this yet.
- Probably more...

Some screenshots

And by the way, not to worry, the SVT Text and ARD Text "Text mode" is still left!


Feel free to comment!


Portal Member
April 23, 2004
dman_lfc said:
Does this handle Java Applet Teletext implementations?


The plugin needs a "plain" image to work. Some sites uses an applet just to show some fancy number buttons but still show the teletext page as an image, those sites are fine. However, if the teletext page is entirely hidden in an applet the plugin won't work.


Portal Pro
August 16, 2004
Fribourg (CH)
Re: My SVT Text Upgraded to My TeleText

Hey Snorre,

Thanks a lot for this great plugin!
Fiddled around and configured it for SF1 (Switzerland)....
runs cool, and...

- Sometimes pages that exist doesn't show up, this only happens with some sources, I don't know what is causing this yet.

.... that's what I found :)

In the log I get "out of memory" exceptions, maybe this is a clue?

22.12.2004 14:16:50 texturemanager:added:thumbs\MPTemp20.gif total:55 mem left:168820736
22.12.2004 14:16:52 exception loading texture thumbs\MPTemp21.gif err:Out of memory. stack:   at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement)
   at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename)
   at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUITextureManager.Load(String strFileNameOrg, Int64 lColorKey, Int32 iMaxWidth, Int32 iMaxHeight) in d:\dev\mediaportal\Core\guilib\GUITextureManager.cs:line 299

But I really like the way it integrates into MP! Great stuff, keep it up!!



It seems that only .gif files can be used.

In Belgium VTM works with .png files. Is there a way to use those files?


Portal Pro
November 30, 2004
Groningen, Netherlands
This plugin is just what I've been wating for. Great work!

Beware though that some sites have restriced access to web only, such as NOS Netherlands, such sources will not work in ths plugin

Is it really impossible to get the gif's? I'm wondering about that, because there are several programs on the internet that can readout the nos teletekst.

The official program is to be found here: (always handy to run as app) and there's also one written in phyton. You can get the source from here: I don't know phyton nor have I run the program, but maybe there's a clue on how to get the gifs, if it's possible at all.
It would be really great to get the nos-teletext working, 'cause it's the best source in Holland.


Portal Member
April 23, 2004
weaberd said:
In the log I get "out of memory" exceptions, maybe this is a clue?

Thanks for the tip, I shouldn't be spreading exceptions around me, should I? However it doesn't appear to be the source of the known bug with pages not showing up, I will keep looking!

louis_katorze said:
It seems that only .gif files can be used.

In Belgium VTM works with .png files. Is there a way to use those files?

I have successfully tried jpg:s with the plugin and png should also work, however I can't test this right now so I can't "proove" it.

TheVideoViking said:
s it really impossible to get the gif's? I'm wondering about that, because there are several programs on the internet that can readout the nos teletekst.

The official program is to be found here: (always handy to run as app) and there's also one written in phyton. You can get the source from here: I don't know phyton nor have I run the program, but maybe there's a clue on how to get the gifs, if it's possible at all.
It would be really great to get the nos-teletext working, 'cause it's the best source in Holland.

It's probably not impossible but since they have done some kind of work to protect the source I don't think I will try pass through hat protection. Mostly because I don't want any legal trouble.


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