MyOrganizer (1 Viewer)


New Member
September 26, 2007
Super great plugin, thank you !

Is it possible to manage more than one google calendar ? I have 4 different calendars but i can't see them at the same time in My Organizer (or I don't know how to configure it for that) as I can do with Web interface of Google calendar. If it is not possible, it would be a great imrpovement.


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    ideasdigger - Great first attempt. Moving forward, are you looking to highlight dates that have an appointment with an outline like in a red (or some other color) color?

    Suggestion: Under your events section, it would be nice to show all the upcoming events with the date in front of the event, without having to rollover the date. Also none of the details about the event are shown in this plugin!

    BTW - How to perform a refresh? I edited an appointment on the Google Calendar and did not see the new/changed info. But I was able to add a new event and saw it in Google Calendar (after I performed a fresh on my browser).

    Great work!


    Portal Member
    December 4, 2005
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks for the review and your ideas.

    Yep, I'm planning to mark the dates in colours (I actually want to put some icons on the dates, but don't know how to do it in skin) - see the MyOragnizer Wiki page for more ideas and todo's.

    Yep, the event view is planned as well. In order to do the refresh - change the month and come back. I'm planning to add a refresh button soon.


    Portal Member
    December 28, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    Blue Two Wide Skin?


    First; great plugin!

    Would be nice to have a skin for a 16:9 skin, ie Blue Two Wide, anyone planning on making one?



    New Member
    October 4, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hello FYI,
    i am sorry but my english was not the best.

    I am using MP RC3 an MyOrganizer.
    The Plugin ist a great idea but i have a answer about the synchronisation.I can export the cvs in outlook to import at google Kalendar.

    What i want :
    Have someone an idea how i can create a automate synchronize the datas between google an outlook?All i find was a manuell import for the datas in google.But there is no export function in google...

    The datas in google and outlook must be the same.
    Thanks ....
    I find what i exists a software how i can automaticly syncronizier between google and outlook.the name is gsyncit...
    gSyncit is a Microsoft Outlook add-in that allows for two-way synchronization between Google and Outlook calendars.
    thanks and bye...


    Portal Member
    December 4, 2005
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Hello FYI,
    i am sorry but my english was not the best.

    I am using MP RC3 an MyOrganizer.
    The Plugin ist a great idea but i have a answer about the synchronisation.I can export the cvs in outlook to import at google Kalendar.

    What i want :
    Have someone an idea how i can create a automate synchronize the datas between google an outlook?All i find was a manuell import for the datas in google.But there is no export function in google...

    The datas in google and outlook must be the same.
    Thanks ....
    I find what i exists a software how i can automaticly syncronizier between google and outlook.the name is gsyncit...
    gSyncit is a Microsoft Outlook add-in that allows for two-way synchronization between Google and Outlook calendars.
    thanks and bye...
    There is a way to make Outlook/Exchange to have exact data from Google (add an internet calendar) but there is no automatic way to export from Outlook/Exchange and import it into Google. This way it's entirely manual. The final version of MyOrganizer will be synchronizing both.

    Any plans for supporting iCal? I use Rainlendar and I believe that's the format it uses...
    Sorry, I don't have iCal so I'll not be able to debug it in any way unless there is some public accesible instance somewhere on the internet that I can use.


    New Member
    December 23, 2007
    Home Country
    Finland Finland
    Date numbers are not showing

    I got this problem that in my organizer the date numbers are not shown. Otherwise gmail etc is working fine.
    Any ideas?


    • my_organizer.JPG
      29.5 KB


    Portal Member
    December 4, 2005
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Hmm... Haven't seen anything like this. Can you please, upload, the full Media Portal diagnositcs? The numbers on the calendar are coming from the Media Portal Skin. Do you have problems in other plug-ins?

    BTW: are you using a localized Windows version?

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