MyProgramsAlt - A replacement for the old (official) one - not finished (1 Viewer)


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  • October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    I activate MyPrograms in MP config.
    MP starts up fine - but when I try to enter MyPrograms MP crashes...

    see attached logfile


    In the logs it seems like you use Blue3 (It's missing the skin file) and the original MyPrograms.
    This thread is about MyProgramsAlt a improved version of MyPrograms. Remove MyPrograms and install MyProgramsAlt in post 38 and configure it.



    Portal Member
    February 11, 2007
    Thx alot - now I also discovered the Plugin installer - thats a very nice feature.

    Ive configured firefox and ie7 - but when I press their respective icons in MP they are treated as a folder instead of a app - and im left inside the "firefox" folder which contains nothing.

    Ive noticed that when I configure a new app - a folder named as the app is created inside the MP thumbs\MyprogramsAlt directory.

    whats up with that?


    MP Donator
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  • October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    I only use it to launch emulators, but I tried to get IE and other programs working for you.

    1. Create folder and put links to all the programs you want to launch
    2. In MyProgramsAlt configuration Add application -> Applicationitem.
    3. Name it Appz or something. Make sure you mark ShellExecute nothing more
    4. On Files Select Filefolder (That you made in 1).
    5. Fileextension = .lnk
    6. Press Update database
    7. Put the images in the thumbs folder. If you name the .lnk to ie7.lnk the image should be ie7.png or ie7.jpg.

    There are possible other ways to do it, but this one works for me.



    MP Donator
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  • December 27, 2007
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    problems with RC4

    Good morning ALL

    I have been using My programs ALt since version in media portal and it has always worked.

    I got RC4 this weekend and backed up my RC3. After installation (which went cleanly) I then went through the TV server scanning my NovaT500 twin tuner and set all my bits and pieces up.

    I then went into Media Portal to make sure everything was running (All OK) so far so good.

    I then went into the media portal pluggins settings through the Media portal configuration panel (not in Media portal itself). I went to the MPI installer to bring in MyProgramsAlt.
    Half way through the install it crashed?
    I couldn't then get into Media portal config at all as it brought up some warnings and then closed it down every time.

    I went into media portals install folder and ran the MPI handler. I removed My programsAlt. I then tried Media portal and everything was working again.

    I then downloaded My programs alt again to make sure my copy wasn't corrupt. I double clicked on the Myprograms ALt that I had downloaded to install it that way. It installed ok and I went into Media Portal config and that opened up ok to. I then cofigured the plugin and brought all my games etc in that I use this pluggin to load.

    Once in media portal things appeared fine, until I went to watch TV (unable to start timeshifting) I have NO tv chanels whatsoever??

    I went into the TV server cofig panel after closing media portal. I looked at each tuner and went to rescan, NO SIGNAL to all frequencies on both tuners.

    I closed media portals configs and went to Haupuage MYTV, no problems with TV in that?

    Eventually I uninstalled MY programsAlt and the TV is working again in Media portal??

    Can someone take a look at it, or does anyone else get the same??

    I am running VISTA 64 ultimate, BFG 280OCX, Asus StrikerII formula, 4gb ram, NovaT500, NovaS2, 3TB in Raid5 and a single 300GB drive for OS and programs.

    There aren't any logs as Media portal didn't crash producing a bug report??




    Portal Pro
    January 19, 2008
    Not sure if anyone is monitoring this anymore but I was also wondering if this is still be worked on. I suppose I could migrate to myEmulators but I just can't get that working with MAME32 how I like. In any case, I had myPrograms (not myProgramsAlt) working properly in MP RC2, however I have since upgrade to MP 1.0. I can still get myPrograms to work properly, there is only ONE problem that cropped up yet again. I can't get it to set the default view to "files" despite copying over what I thought was the proper xml config for this from RC2. Could anyone supply me with a config that would allow myPrograms to 'remember' to go the 'files' view rather than 'manufacturer' OR could someone explain to me WHICH config file controls this? There is defaultProgramViews.xml and ProgramViews.xml in the root MediaPortal directory as well as in the new MediaPortal configuration directory C:\documents and settings\all users\application data\team mediaportal\mediaportal

    Of these FOUR files I have no idea which one I need to delete, add or remove to make 'files' view the default for myPrograms. Any help would be appreciated. If this is just too far gone I will have to continue to try to make myEmulators work!


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    When I click on this link, I get:
    This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.
    Did it get moved somewhere? A wiki search also came up empty.

    Found it with wiki search after all, searching for all of "my programs alt", instead of just "MyProgramsAlt".
    The basic wiki path seems to have gotten a new level.
    Here is the new URL:


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    I hope someone is still monitoring this. I'm using MP 1.0 and using MyProgramsAlt to launch emulator files. I'm got it working well, everything launches correctly, the only thing is that I cannot perform the online update. It will go through and find the matches for the ROMS but when I try to download and save, it just hangs. It will download the pic for the first file but not any detail or description. I am able to close the Online update and configuration just find, it's not the program that hangs, just the updating.

    I hope this might be able to be fixed, it's almost running just like the old MyPrograms was for me (except the feature for having an image file for every item). If not, I'll just have to wait for the new games plugin to be finished

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