MyProgramsAlt - A replacement for the old (official) one - not finished (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 27, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Just a small 'bug' report. I've been using this alpha for a while now and it works great for my games (Snes, amiga, scummVM and pc-games). However, i have a 16:9 tv and my nvidia driver does not allow me to select a 16:9 resolution. PC-games usually do though, so i play them in this resolution (and use anamorphic settings in mediaportal itself).
But if i exit the game, mediaportal will be resized horizontally, probably because of the new resolution. It will only be fixed if i play and exit a video, then it'll reset correctly.
I added the whole 16:9 bit, because i'm not sure if it is a resolution problem, or a problem with the anamorphic settings.


Portal Pro
October 30, 2008
Greetings everyone!

I installed MyPrograms Alt today..

I then decided to skip MAME since I will not use it to emulate consoles. So I only followed the installation part for PC games.

I then installed a game and I even used the internet search function to get data added to the game.

Then I enabled the plugin.

When I start MP and go into myprogram alt then I see a folder with the name of my game BUT I don't see any thumbnails or game info at all. If I click on the folder then the game starts directly.

I think something isn't as it should. I expect the gameinfo and thumbs to show up.

Anyone able to tell me what I have done wrong?



Portal Pro
February 8, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany

I am unable to get this plugin to run with MP RC3. Configuration is fine, but when I enter the MyPrograms screen in MP it just freezes. Can't get forth or back, just kill MP via taskmanager.

This happens with all skins I have, so it may not be a skin issue.

Any suggestions? Maybe someone can re-compile the plugin against the latest MP sources?


Portal Member
February 11, 2007
same problem - fullblooded crash with RC3

Im just using it to start IE, Firefox and WinUAE - are we really the only ones using the MyPrograms???
Is there another way to launch external programs - another plugin??

besides the above RC3 rules :D




Portal Member
October 31, 2008
Hello again,

I am using it to launch the KMPlayer for .ratDVD compressed videos. I dont know if there is another easy way to do it in RC3, any idea?

Thank you very much ;-)


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  • October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden

    I am unable to get this plugin to run with MP RC3. Configuration is fine, but when I enter the MyPrograms screen in MP it just freezes. Can't get forth or back, just kill MP via taskmanager.

    This happens with all skins I have, so it may not be a skin issue.

    Any suggestions? Maybe someone can re-compile the plugin against the latest MP sources?

    Hi, I read through the logs and it looks like you installed the Original plugin and not this one. Look in post 38 for the download link to MyPrograms Alt.


    Clud and MetalKiller

    I installed Vista and MP RC3 on a new harddrive to see if there is a problem for me with the plugin (Didn't want to mess up my working RC2 install)

    I copied my old database and everything is working for me. I tried with Blue2wide and Blue3 skin.

    Please post your logs so I can try to help you.



    Portal Member
    February 11, 2007
    I activate MyPrograms in MP config.
    MP starts up fine - but when I try to enter MyPrograms MP crashes...

    see attached logfile

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