Hi MediaPortal afficinados,
anybody around here using MediaPortal as his/her over-the-counter (but highly addictive) sleeping agent?
Well, I sure as heck do
Ever since I started using MediaPortal some two years ago, I was missing the essential funtionality every cheap old TV has - a simple push-button sleep timer...
So spending one sleepless night I finally managed to program one myself.
So I'd like to share this with you guys.
MySleepTimer - MediaPortal Process Plugin
- just install "MySleepTimer.mpi" (should appear in "MediaPortal Plugins-Skins Installer" some time soon as well)
- configure via MediaPortal configuration
- ActionType: Sets the desired MediaPortal Action/Event to trigger and set up the sleep timer inside MediaPortal
- when using the default "ACTION_REMOTE_YELLOW_BUTTON"
- make sure you have your Remote set up to perform this action when pressing this button (the attached config pic shows the DEFAULT configuration - make sure the Action "Remote Yellow Button" is set for ALL CONDITIONS that you need)
- ShutdownType: This is what should happen once the timer elapsed
(- force: this should be handled with care
- maximum sleep time: Sets the maximum amount of minutes you want to set
- steps: everytime the selected 'action' is performed the sleep time is incremented by this many minutes
- notification interval: Sets the interval for the notification window to pop up telling you how much time is left- usage inside MediaPortal
- perform the selected 'action' to enable the timer (a little popup window is displayed)
- repeat this action to increase the sleep time
- once you go beyond the maximum sleep time the timer is stopped until you do 'action' once again
- when set a notification window will show you how much time is left
[Update thx to xmats: when there is any type of playback running, the first time you perform 'action' will set the timer to use the remaining playtime + 1 minute. Do 'action' and increase the timer value as usual]
PS: tell me want you think about it and please don't be shy
Release archive:
SourceForge.net Repository - [mp-plugins] Index of /trunk/plugins/MySleepTimer/releases
Source code:
anybody around here using MediaPortal as his/her over-the-counter (but highly addictive) sleeping agent?
Well, I sure as heck do
Ever since I started using MediaPortal some two years ago, I was missing the essential funtionality every cheap old TV has - a simple push-button sleep timer...
So spending one sleepless night I finally managed to program one myself.
So I'd like to share this with you guys.
MySleepTimer - MediaPortal Process Plugin
- just install "MySleepTimer.mpi" (should appear in "MediaPortal Plugins-Skins Installer" some time soon as well)
- configure via MediaPortal configuration
- ActionType: Sets the desired MediaPortal Action/Event to trigger and set up the sleep timer inside MediaPortal
- when using the default "ACTION_REMOTE_YELLOW_BUTTON"
- make sure you have your Remote set up to perform this action when pressing this button (the attached config pic shows the DEFAULT configuration - make sure the Action "Remote Yellow Button" is set for ALL CONDITIONS that you need)
- ShutdownType: This is what should happen once the timer elapsed
(- force: this should be handled with care
- maximum sleep time: Sets the maximum amount of minutes you want to set
- steps: everytime the selected 'action' is performed the sleep time is incremented by this many minutes
- notification interval: Sets the interval for the notification window to pop up telling you how much time is left
- perform the selected 'action' to enable the timer (a little popup window is displayed)
- repeat this action to increase the sleep time
- once you go beyond the maximum sleep time the timer is stopped until you do 'action' once again
- when set a notification window will show you how much time is left
[Update thx to xmats: when there is any type of playback running, the first time you perform 'action' will set the timer to use the remaining playtime + 1 minute. Do 'action' and increase the timer value as usual]
PS: tell me want you think about it and please don't be shy
- v1.0.4.3660
- deployment via MediaPortal extension package
- reworked configuration
- multi language support
- v1.0.3.0
- Thx to Zdeny there have been some improvements in the timer setup logic inside MediaPortal
- v1.0.2.0
- Code redesign
- delayed notification
- button time out
- sleep behavior
- v1.0.1.1
- Bugfix Release: fixed the doubled action bug (thx to Paranoid Delusion)
Release archive:
SourceForge.net Repository - [mp-plugins] Index of /trunk/plugins/MySleepTimer/releases
Source code: