no mate sorry possibly if this was implemented in tv server (which may happen but is a long while off) it could work. however if you want to just stream stuff to your ps3 from your pc do a google on tversity you should find links on how to configure that to stream stuff to your ps3 handy my bro's mate uses it and loves the thing lol
Just want to say that I'm using this plugin as well. Just what I neeed. I also agree to the many suggestions re enhancements, but alone having it is very good.
- Sometimes in config when I add a stream or a group, I've got an error (see file and screenshot)
- When i see a stream and I go to the Home page, the small window (down-left) doesn't show the stream (but sound is ok), when i return to MyStream video is showed in the small wiindow (down-left).
Some Radiostations offer playlists of the streams (e.g. rautemusik -> RauteMusik.FM - Playlist - #Musik.Club) It would be extremely nice if the plugin could show them as well...
really sorry for being major afk lately, been mental with work and life stuff getting in the way the last while and as this is first time ive gotten involved in this type of thing online (writing code etc..) im now understanding how it can be hard to get good bouts of work in lol seriuosly want to start implementing new stuff and finish off the other bits i've been fiddling with. anyway once again soz dont fret I havent forgotten about it also thanks again for all your encouragement and support
Cedric: Thanks for posting the screenshot and log
Off the top of my head I think this may be caused when the stream listbox dosn't have focus which I remember running into myself it normally happened just after startup, thought i put code fix in for that (will check). if its the same issue make sure when config screen loads first that something in the stream list is selected before clicking on one of the buttons. I'll check this over the weekend
when "When i see a stream and I go to the Home page, the small window (down-left) doesn't show the stream (but sound is ok), when i return to MyStream video is showed in the small wiindow (down-left)."
The plugin just passes the stream link into the default media portal player (which is windows media player) so unfortunatly I'm not sure whats wrong :sorry:
Does the stream play ok in full screen when using WMP? just curious as could be related to ffshow/codec settings.
For what its worth I remember having a problem after a mediaportal upgrade involving particular video files about a year back, it ended up being codec related if I recall. I reninstalled all codecs/ffshow and then media portal and it all worked again. the videos in question were a small few .avi's and wmp's which would play fine in the small screen but no video on full screen, every other avi's and wmp (along with all other files) worked fine, sometimes restarting the file over and over would cause it to kick in and would work untill switching screen mode again. I figured it was something to do with whatever way they had been encoded kicking off some wacky setting in ffshow.
just thought id mention it incase there may be something similar happening will have a root in the tech support forums and see if I spot anything
hi bradyph ! how are you ? long time you off line....
i play litle with mystreams xml , and on my System it look like thet .....
any news on update for mystream ?
Just checking mail from work. that looks better then mine lol nice one I'm gonna be working on it this weekend and plan to get a lot done on monday (as I have the day off work \o/ along with a PC to fix for my cousin >.<) hopefully will be able to release an update late monday or tuesday evening. sorry for lack of updates, serious crazyness going on in work and havent had 2 mins to myself. I know I just need a full day or two to implement some cool stuff hopefully monday will be one of em