MyTorrents 0.70 Stable [Updated 13-10-2012] (5 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 28, 2011
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England England
Would I be able to get the latest copy of the source if you don't mind?

Also I notice Mediaportal.log says
Sohvaperuna.MyTorrents.MyTorrents.LoadRssChannels(ConfigData _config)
I've never used or setup RSS, could this have anything to do with it?

Edit: Hope I'm not being really stupid here, just figured out I'm using 1.2.3, are these dlls for 1.3.0 alpha?
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Yep, they are for alpha but should work on 1.2.3 so something is still wrong with plugin :)
    I commited changes but they are mostly about compatibility updates.
    So you can revert your files and just update MyTorrents.xml in your setting folder. Sites except KAT should work. Kat requiered some code hacks from me.
    P.s. And if you made any changes to MyTorrents.xml it will be nice if you pm me your copy with removed personal info.
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    Portal Member
    March 28, 2011
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    England England
    Right I've uninstalled this and reinstalled 0.69.6 clean with no changes.
    MyTorrents.xml was unedited, I shouldn't need to make changes to this to make it work should I?
    Now I'm back to the original problem, when I load up MyTorrents it says "No Torrents".
    All of the statuses (speed etc) at the bottom say 0.

    When I go into All Torrents, it correctly sees my labels, with the the correct number of torrents in brackets, but when I click into one of the labels it again says No Torrents.

    Strange that it can correctly see the labels but not the torrents in them. uTorrent log shows connections being made every 5 seconds with no errors.

    Am I missing a stupidly simple step out somewhere?


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  • January 3, 2008
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    So you see "No torrents" in torrent view.
    I thought you mean "No search results" :)
    I'm almost out of ideas actually :D
    Just few questions:
    -what utorrent version are you using? (possibly 3.0.1 or higher)
    -do you have MP-TVseries or Trakt plugin installed? (possibly no)
    My new guess: I've added referencies to mp-tvseries and trakt in code for future tvseries autodownloader code and forgot to remove it.
    Bug you're telling is semms like utorrent 3.0.1 info parsing issue whic I fixed in july'12 6 monthes after 0.69.6 build.
    P.s. New test build for you with removed mp-tvseries/trakt referencies.


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    Portal Member
    March 28, 2011
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    England England
    I'm using uTorrent 3.1.3, I have MP-TVSeries and Trakt installed but have never configured or used them.
    Which version of uTorrent is the most compatible? Ill give your test build a go now.

    I tried downloading the last svn from google code last night but had so many problems trying to compile it I gave up in the end. Is there any way to download compiled bulids from google code as I'd like to give that r71 a go as well.

    Edit: This buld works perfect! Can see my active/all torrents and even searching now works :)

    Would I be able to get a version of this with MP-TV Series and Trakt back in so we can see if it's the parsing issue you mentioned?

    Many thanks for all your help :)
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    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    With las build every utorrent 2.x or 3.x version should be compatible. With 0.69.0 only utorrent 2.x and 3.0.0 was compatible.
    To compile plugin you should look at Referencies section of every project. Some of them reported as problem with yellow smth.'s_Guide/1_Develop_a_Plugin/Visual_Basic
    You should click "add reference" and locate such files as Core.dll, Database.dll, Utils.dll etc in you MEdiaportal directory.
    Good luck.
    I can't compile R71 or even R74 from another svn copy due to some stupid bugs but I build mp 1.2.3 compatible bins for you. So it should be similar to R74
    UPD. Seems this post is useless :D


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    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Would I be able to get a version of this with MP-TV Series and Trakt back in so we can see if it's the parsing issue you mentioned?
    Parsing error was connected to 3.0.1 response changes.
    MP-TVSeries and Trakt referencies are not needed now. They are for this (look at pics)
    But if you have no MPTVSeries.dll or TraktPlugin.dll in mp plugins folder mytorrents should fail to start like in you case.
    But if you still have power we could test NotificationBar code which I enabled in attached dll :)
    Just switch to DefaultWide, install NotificationBar and use new dlls


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    Portal Member
    March 28, 2011
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    England England
    Just tried this build, it works but the Notification bar is there constantly, is this correct behaviour? Constantly switching between current speed/number seeding etc.
    Works same in both StreamedMP and DefaultWide.

    Happy to keep testing more builds for you :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    Hi Edalex,

    could you tell me what the latest stable and the latest beta version of this plugin is? I like to update the topicstart because the topicstarter isn't been active here for a long time now.. I will upload the latest version(s) to it..

    Thanks! and keep going.. :)


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Just tried this build, it works but the Notification bar is there constantly, is this correct behaviour? Constantly switching between current speed/number seeding etc.
    Works same in both StreamedMP and DefaultWide.

    Happy to keep testing more builds for you :)
    Thanks. Absolutely right. Notification Bar should always present in MP displaing info from different plugins.
    Hi Edalex,
    could you tell me what the latest stable and the latest beta version of this plugin is? I like to update the topicstart because the topicstarter isn't been active here for a long time now.. I will upload the latest version(s) to it..
    Thanks! and keep going.. :)
    Hi, the latest beta is only for me now because is it is too much beta. I called it dev build and I wouldn't publish any part of it untill current 0.70 final build from post #619 and #637 wil be fully tested.
    And when I need to update first post I just need to rite email to topicstarter. His mail is active so I don't expect any problems. You shouln'd bother ;)
    BTW, just checked my mailbox and remembered that last time I talked to Sohvaperuna about including MyTorrents in Softpedia
    So MyTorrents is 100% virus-free ;)

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