Need help: MP 1.0.0 random crash in Vista (1 Viewer)


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  • February 7, 2009
    Chicago western suburbs
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    Hi Fforde,
    thx..I should have a chance this evening to try this out and will report back my results. I can add a note to this issue on my end...I notice the error also tends to occurs when I have MP open on my main system (but its sitting idle without user intervention) but I am accessing the database on my secondary system where I add movies to a shared database. It looks like adding to the database while the main system is still connected to MP provokes a crash. I know its not officially supported to share a database, but I think that *may* have something to do with some of the errors I'm experiencing (a guess on my part of course).

    EDIT: I do apologize but this week fell apart and I have not had time to try the update...will do this weekend and report back. Sorry!


    MP Donator
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  • February 7, 2009
    Chicago western suburbs
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    Hi Fforde,
    I saw the note about changing of the status for this bug to a Mediaportal issue, not Moving Pictures. Does that invalidate needing to try your fix earlier in this thread? Should I update to the latest MP SVN for a resolve?


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    Well we are still tracking the issue in the Moving Pictures issue tracker because this is an issue that primarily affects our plug-in. I just removed the 0.7.2 tag on the issue because the fix for it is in the MediaPortal code, not the Moving Pictures code. We are starting to finalize 0.7.2 and I just didn't want to have that issue still open and flagged for 0.7.2 when it actually was not holding up the release.

    So if you could, you should still test the patch I fix I posted above. And you don't necessarily need to be running the latest SVN of MediaPortal to test the fix, but the code it is based on is fairly recent so updating to the latest SVN may not be a bad idea. But no this is not strictly necessary.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Reopened Mantis 1998 issue. I was to lazy to create new bug report for the C# side issue :)

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