Re: Nearing First Release
Looks cool ... and you have good taste in film 8)
GazpachoKing said:
Looks cool ... and you have good taste in film 8)
GazpachoKing said:
mzemina said:What do the symbols/letters that are located along the right:"^^" "^" "V" "vv" and "X" mean?
I'm currently developping a plugin for loading Ant Movie Catalog in MP. I know there is several plugin about it but most of them don't work with the last core version (2.0). It's my first try in C# .....GazpachoKing said:I compiled what i have into a test release if anybody is interested in trying it out. Short readme included. No source yet, I'm cleaning it up a bit.
Download 0.1 Binary
GazpachoKing said:P.S. Does anyone know a good place I can host things on a more permanent basis for free?
GazpachoKing said:I am currently creating a netflix queue manager plugin, i was wondering if there is an interest in that sort of thing. Also I am having trouble getting the netflix queue page from netflix. I have a parser that will pull the apropriate info from the page, but how can i get it to log in and download it?
so i decided to read the queue from the RSS feed, but i still need a way to submit the form to update my queue and add movies to my queue. I should just be able to send form posts, but how do i get it to have me logged in when i submit it?
The King of Gazpacho