Netflix plugin (NetflixAlpha) (11 Viewers)


Portal Pro
October 24, 2007
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic

You can find some alternatives at the end.

It was nice ride, I enjoyed building this plugin very much.


I would like to present first alpha release of NetflixAlpha plugin.
For now its alpha release with working Instant queue and Search.
Number of items shown in plugin is limited to 25 items.

How to install:
1. Copy contents of skin to skin directory of your installation.
In windows 7 its c:\users\All Users\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin
2. Copy contents of plugins in to plugin directory of your installation
In windows 7 its c:\program files(x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins
3a. Check that your time is set correctly.
3b. Run media portal configuration and enable Netflixalpha plugin
4. Run configuration of Netflixalpha plugin and click link button. (
Browser window will open asking to link NetflixAlpha plugin with your account. Click Link
5. Confirm that you linked account to application.
6. Click Save.

Then when you run mediaportal, you should be able to see your InstantQueue (if you have some, only US users) or at least do searches.

Please let me know how it works for you and please remember that this is only alpha version.

Also I think that people outside US might have some problems with playing titles, so get in touch with me and I will try to help.

I want to thank people from Moving pictures with which consent I modified their skins and used it for NetflixAlpha plugin.

Suggestions or feature requests can be posted here:

Supported skins
EDIT 15.06.2013
Public alpha release #2:
New features
  • Recommendations (for those having instant queue. I suppose its US & Canada).
  • People without instant queue can run plugin now. Only search will be available for them.
  • You can setup external script to be run with player. You can use autoit to get functionality you need. (I didnt have time to test autoit scripts in conjunction with nfplayer so Iam waiting for feedback).
  • Back button operation should now work correctly.
  • All queues are now retained in cancalable thread so you can cancel dialog and chose item before queue is completely downloaded.
  • In setup, error while connecting to API servers is now correctly handled. You will see error which took place. (I presume people in DK and maybe other europe countries - let me know!).
  • Search now accept more words (thank you guys, I didnt test this :)).
EDIT 16.08.2013
New features
  • Instant queue management (adding/removing in queues).
  • Persistant caching - Catalog items are now cached, so details are fetched only once.
  • Fetch more items in all queues will fetch next 30 items from queue.
  • Esc now quits NFplayer
  • NFplayer can be run on secondary screen. (edit NfPlayer.exe.config file ScreenId value)

EDIT 20.10.2013
New features
  • New choices to watch (requires NetflixAlpha webservices registration on
  • Mouse should be automaticly hidden in NFplayer when no activity.
  • Fixed error while retrieving recommendations.
EDIT 6.11.2013
  • Fixed error when search catalog was not shown in case user didnt have NetflixAlpha webservice registration entered in configuration.
EDIT 16.11.2013
  • Fixed error when fetching Netflix title with missing runtime (Netflix testing titles such as El Fuente). Probably only occurs in New choices to watch menu item.
EDIT 5.12.2013
  • Recompiled for MP 1.5.1++ (.NET 4.0) Fixed related issues.

EDIT 28.05.2014
  • Fixed issue "Length cannot be less than zero" with seasons (due to changes in season names format in API)
  • Added support for season trailers (latest version of Trailer plugin needed)
  • Added support for choosing profile, while playing move (big thanks goes to te3hpurp who helped a lot finishing this feature)
  • Added option in context menu to reload instant queue (requested)

Hope you enjoy.
home.PNG custom_genres.PNGinstant_queue.PNG home.PNG instantqueue.PNG


  • ws_setup.JPG
    49.5 KB
    1.7 MB
    1.7 MB
  • NetflixAlpha_0.1.0.12.mpe1
    1.7 MB
  • NetflixAlpha_0.1.1.0.mpe1
    1.7 MB
  • NetflixAlpha_0.1.1.1.mpe1
    1.9 MB
  • NetflixAlpha_0.1.1.2.mpe1
    1.9 MB
  • NetflixAlpha_0.1.1.3.mpe1
    2.4 MB
  • NetflixAlpha_0.1.2.3.mpe1
    3.4 MB
Last edited:


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • November 30, 2005
    Home Country
    England England
    1. Thanks for using your time to develop a new Netflix plugin for MePo.
    2. Any idea to team up with some of the other Netflix addicts or other developers to get a more stable and feature rich plugin?- According to the forums, there are several individuals that have started or contributed to an exising Netflix solution. Some of the old Netflix solutions seems to either outdated, error-packed or feature-missing :-(
    3. Will you release the source-code for others to develop? And any chance of seeing this project on Github/Google code etc? (bug reporting/development/feature requests?
    Feature requests:
    • Support for danish Netflix accounts(We don't have queue support, and older netflix plugin didn't work......So there seem to be API differences between regions/countries. (Can anyone with a Danish or Nordic account please test this?)
    • Remote/keyboard support (Play, pause, Subtitle & audio toogle)
    • Possible to change the subtitle color form yellow to white?
    I'm very keen for a Netflix account, but the lack of stable and well supported solutions keeps me away from subscribing -I ONLY use MePo for video content:)

    I sincerely hope the best for this project - Let us all have Netflix.............down with overpayed cable providers and annoying TV-ads:)



    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    1. Thanks, I want to develop it further. Many ideas. But first need to know whether somebody can actualy use it.
    I think that VOD is future and this is my support to it.
    2. I started with this project six months ago. I worked on it only in free time, which is not much.
    AFAIK There was no other live/working solution when I started, that was why I started with NetflixAlpha.
    I will give it another search and gladly team up with anyone who wants to colaborate.
    3. Right now, code is hosted on bitbucked, I will take a look if it supports such a features.
    Also code will be made public as soon it matures a bit. I want to make it public becouse my wife will give a birth in few months and I am not really sure how much time will I have after that :)

    • Non US account support. From what I can tell, search should work for all accounts. API calls of catalog works anywhere. There might be a problem playing some titles which are not available in particular country.NetflixAlpha doesnt relly on instant queue so it should be runable. Also there is diagnose button in configuration which tries to pull instant queue and recommandations and tell you whether it was successfull or not, so you know whther to use it in plugin or not.
    • Remote controll support. NetflixAlpha is bundled with player which wraps the html page with Silverlight player and translates some remotecontrol buttons to keystrokes. Right now it supports play/pause and moving in the movie by arrows keys. Iam using MS remote controll. Subtitle toggle can be done by interacting with Silverligh plugin by mouse clicks. Iam not sure with audio languages because one cant tell which one is selected. If you prefere certain language, you can set it on Netflix web in you account setup.
    • Subtitles color. Iam sorry this cant be change because whole player UI is part of Silverlight plugin created by Netflix. Iam not avare of way how to controll it.
    Good night.
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
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    Portal Pro
    June 18, 2010
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Very excited to try this. As was mentioned before there had been several attempts at making a Netflix plugin for MP some more successful than others. Currently I'm using MultiShortcut and Kylo browser which is workable but not 100% ideal. With the steady growth of Netflix over the past year or two I think that this Plugin is as important as any of the others. I just wish I had some coding knowledge so I could help but alas I'm probably only good for testing at this point.



    Portal Pro
    December 27, 2008
    Raleigh, NC
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    I'd like to note that Titan is the latest and greatest default MP 1.3.0 skin (correct me if I'm wrong) - so having a theme for that is pretty crucial at this point. I'm not sure that anyone uses default wide over titan anymore... am i right?


    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Hi shackrock.
    Titan is verynice skin and I would like to prepare skin for this plugin as soon as I finish features with DefaultWide.
    Also if there is anyone skilled in skining, I would be greatfull for help.

    Rob please let me know how it works for you.
    I would like to know that plugin also work for people in Europe.


    thanks for your effort. Would be great to use this also for Lovefilm, which uses a similar VoD solution as Netflix. You might team up with @xetic who is willing to work on a Lovefilm plugin: (german thread)

    It would be great, if he could have a peak on your code.

    Hi I will take a look at it.
    In case LoveFilm is compatible with netflix API I can help.



    Portal Pro
    August 9, 2007
    Boston, MA
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks, have been waiting for this for a everyone else, I've tried all the other hacks out there, but nothing is really cutting it.

    Thanks again for the effort. I will try this out for a bit too. If anyone has a hacked-together theme for Titan for this plugin, please post to help move testing along!


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 11, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Also there is a Maxdome plugin which seems to work very similar (Silverlight Webpage). You might want to check it out.


    Portal Pro
    June 18, 2010
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    So..I tried this plugin and I have to say, this is the best one I've seen so far. It works great. I have two little comments/requests though. I know its picky but is it possible to add something to the Plugin config to change the plugin name? Or is there somewhere I can do it manually? I rather it say 'Netflix' over 'NetflixAlpha' on my Home Screen is all. The next is just me wondering if its possible to implement the browse feature similar to what I have on my browser?

    Thanks and keep up the great work, love it so far.


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