I been installing MediaPortalserver, SQL, and finally every thing working, only Subtitles isnt working. Think it is the unreg of TSReader.ax.
This i what i did so far.
Copied the 2 files from "Version6" to c:\DVBtest dir. placed the empty file in c:\ and edited the mediaportal.xml. Then i did a seach to find current TSReader.ax..
Where is the TSReader.ax file located ? and is it correct that i can find two, one in Mediaportalserver and the other in mediaportal. and ofcource a third file in DVBtest dir.
which files do i unreg with "regsvr32 /u" ?
Best regards Kim
The TsReader.ax I unregister is located in "MediaPortal" dir.
If you provide logs there might be some hints in those as to what you forgot to set correctly.