[Proposal] new feature for Vs. 0.60? (1 Viewer)


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  • July 8, 2006
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    Hello @Oxan,

    if I remember right you are planning a more detailed rights management for Vs. 0.60.
    It would be nice to have the possibility to allow the users only to stream media and not to download.

    usecase: teenagers in the family should be able to watch movies, listen to music but not be able to download media to share with buddys


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  • August 29, 2009
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    It's impossible. The Direct stream is exactly the same as a download. Even the Flash streams can be saved to a file and replayed.

    Also, I don't see the usecase... they can just as well grab the file from Usenet / TPB if they really want it for whatever reason, or more realistically, their friends will just download it themselves.


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  • July 8, 2006
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    You are right. I can't prevent download from other sites. But in this cases there is not a GBit connection and I'm not responsible for the downloads within other families.
    Why not disable "direct Stream" for users without download permission?


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  • August 29, 2009
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    That'd still leave the problem of someone saving one of the Flash or HTTP Live streams... If you can play something, you can record it. That's the case with every streaming system there exists.

    Also, I really don't like to have an option "disable downloads" which doesn't prevent downloading completely, just makes it a bit harder to do.
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    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    You are right. I can't prevent download from other sites. But in this cases there is not a GBit connection and I'm not responsible for the downloads within other families.
    Why not disable "direct Stream" for users without download permission?

    Sory but whats the problem.. You really never download a movie, musictrack, game or what ever from the web? I cant believe that.. You rip really all your dvds to your pc and than stream them with this app? :s

    On the other hand, you can secure your wifi connection, so nobody else could download your files..

    And without all options on the internet for downloading movies, there shouldnt be this kind of nice software aswell..

    I think its not up to you to prevent others from downloading "illigal stuff" from the internet..



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  • July 8, 2006
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    The only thing that I have wanted was to ask for a feature, not to start a diskussion about downloading. I think we should close this diskussion. It will lead us to nothing.


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  • August 29, 2009
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    Well, I think he's mainly trying to prevent others from downloading from his server, which I can understand (as in some countries, downloading is legal but uploading/sharing is illegal). However, it can't be done in a reliable way, so that makes it kind of hard...

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