NEW! Moving Pictures 0.7.5 Available (1 Viewer)

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Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Current Release: 0.7.5
Public Beta

Moving Pictures 0.7.5 corrects an installer issues when using MediaPortal 1.1.0 Alpha and Windows XP. It also includes an updated version of the IMDb scraper script for correct retrieval of writers, directors, and actors. This release also rolls in changes from Moving Pictures 0.7.4 which slightly reduces the time required to launch Moving Pictures, and added initial support for MediaPortal 1.1.0 Alpha to the installer. Full details can be found here.

Moving Pictures is a movie management plug-in that focuses on an interface with a high level of usability and a GUI experience with a high level of focus. This means that our goal has been to create a plug-in that provides a streamlined and very strait forward setup process, and a very focused, "movie oriented" experience.

Put even more simply, we have designed Moving Pictures to be easy to use, while also providing a very rich interface.

Change Log

Wiki / User's Guide
Project Page
Skin Designer's Guide
Developer's Guide

Click here to goto the first post after the release of 0.7.2.

Major Changes
It is now possible to sort your movie collection by various fields in the GUI. This feature is available from the context menu in the GUI and it is also possible to set a default sort order from the Configuration Screen.

Enhanced Settings Management
Many options formerly difficult to configure through the Advanced Settings screen are now configurable through the main configuration screens. Most of the features you will see on the Configuration Screen believe it or not were already implemented in Moving Pictures and available under Advanced Settings. Hopefully with the new settings tabs though, these features will be usable by a much larger audience.

Enhanced DVD Support
Assuming you have the option turned (the default) DVDs will automatically be added to your collection when they are inserted into your DVD drive. Movie details and artwork will automatically be downloaded just like any other movie and when you attempt to playback the movie in the GUI, if the disk is not inserted, it will of course prompt you for the correct DVD. It is also worth noting that this feature applies to Bluray and HD-DVD disks as well if you have MediaPortal configured to play back this sort of media with an external player.

Enhanced Removable Media Support
You no longer have to flag an import path as removable, and when you do have a removable drive, Moving Pictures will now automatically remove deleted files from your database. At the same time it will intelligently recognize when a network or removable drive is offline, maintaining the integrety of your collection.

Full Support for
The website can now be used as a data source for both movie details and covers, in addition to the backdrops that are already retrieved. If you are unfamiliar with this website, I would strongly encourage you to check it out. is a community driven movie website, which means that people just like you have contributed data thus far.

Informal Windows 7 Support
Windows 7 is still not "officially supported" as it is not officially supported by Media Portal, but we have made some changes to resolve all known Windows 7 specific issues. If you find any new issues please feel free to report them, we would like our plug-in to be ready when Windows 7 is officially released, but please keep in mind that testing on Windows 7 has been limited so expect potential issues.

Other Changes
This is only a small subset of the changes that are included in Moving Pictures 0.7. For a full list of changes please see the change log on the Moving Pictures Wiki.

The Wiki
Also coinciding with this release, we are also officially launching our Wiki / User's Guide. Please understand that it is still very much a work in progress, and none of the content has been translated yet, but we are very excited about it's future. As this website is a wiki, anyone can edit it, you simply have to create an account and log in. So if you see a type-o or something that is inaccurate, please click that edit button and correct it. And if you are really feeling generous, maybe you could work on a translation? While they are pretty empty, we currently have space for translated wikis setup for German, Dutch, and Swedish. We will add additional translations as time goes on and we get volunteers to work on these translations.

With each release, the list of contributers to Moving Pictures increases. Of course armandp, thanks for sticking with the project and helping out with both design and development. Armand has been a huge help and I appreciate his collaboration on this project. We have a few new developers that have helped out to varying degrees as well. Big thanks to ZealotSix, he has been making a lot of code contribution and helped out quite a bit. In particular, he implemented the sorting functionality in this release so if you see him around the forums, be sure to say hello. Also a big thanks goes out to LRFalk01. He has made a few code contributions and he has also created the fantastic (still work in progress) XML Export and Signature Generator plug-in for Moving Pictures. His help with improving the scraper engine usability from a script writers stand point was also indispensable. Thanks to gshipley as well who has made a recent code contribution and the many others that are starting to get involved.

Thanks to our testing team as well. We have had a pretty extensive testing cycle this time around, but our testers have been providing us with great feedback and I really feel like Moving Pictures 0.7 is much better for it. In no particular order our testing team includes chefkoch, Darre, Emphatic, LRFalk01, mattsk88, midiboy, Paranoid Delusion, and rolls1400. If I am leaving anyone out I am very sorry. :(

Thanks to the whole team.

The screenshots attached to this post are taken from the Monochrome skin created by Psycho Reptile. If you are interested in this skin you can get more information here.

Bug Reports
Please do not post bugs in this thread. If you have a bug report, please read this thread on how we track bugs, and then head on over to the Issue Tracker.


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Portal Pro
February 28, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Awesome, thanks alot!

Just one question: where can I get the script file for adding :D


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 17, 2005
    Great job! Is there any particular reason why there are no backdrop sources?


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
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    • #8
    Awesome, thanks alot!

    Just one question: where can I get the script file for adding :D

    Great job! Is there any particular reason why there are no backdrop sources?

    No backdrop sources? They are included in the release... If for some reason nothing is showing up, you can click the gear icon on the Data Sources pop-up and then click Reload Default Sources. I am very interested to see your log file though, that is not expected and is not something I am able to reproduce.


    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hehe, yes, now it's added, thanks for the quick reply!


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 17, 2005
    No backdrop sources? They are included in the release... If for some reason nothing is showing up, you can click the gear icon on the Data Sources pop-up and then click Reload Default Sources.
    Reloading them via Reload Default helped. Thanks a lot.
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