*NEW* MP-TVSeries v2.2.3387 SVN Test Release [10-APR-09] (4 Viewers)


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  • June 10, 2007
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    Hi there, I've been searching the forum for an answer and can't find one so i thought i'd post. It might be something simple but i just can't get it. I'm using MP 1.0 with tvseries 2.1.3331 with bluewide. I'm able to 'add to playlist' when i bring up the menu, but i can't find this supposed playlist to play it. I've tried F1 shortcut and lookin in my video playlists and they don't come up there.
    any ideas

    Add to Playlist is only available in TVSeries 2.2, make sure your using the latest 2.2 Test release at the beginning of this post (This also requires MediaPortal 1.0.1 SVN). In v2.2 Blue3wide has a hidden side menu where you can access your playlist.


    Portal Member
    November 9, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I've seen MediaPortal 1.0.1 SVN mentioned a few times in here, but have no idea where to find it. I've looked in most of the forums and sub-forums too. Anyone point me in the right direction please?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Portal Member
    November 9, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thank you!

    Also, I've tried the latest stable versions and now this one and am still having the same problems: After working almost perfectly, suddenly the GUI in config changed and now my shows will not parse properly. Any show with more than one word in it's name (ie: Fawlty Towers) is not automatically parsed. I spent ages on thetvdb adding episode discriptions and thumbs and they will not download, even for those one-word name shows that do parse!

    All I have changed since it was last working was to install Moving Pictures. Any ideas what I should to to get back to my old working version?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    The Parsing hasn't changed between the stable and SVN releases, so either your parsing expressions have been manually changed or you have changed the way you name files. Does the local parsing work, what exactly can't it parse correctly series name, season number, episode number, all items?

    With respect to the data online not being seen in the plugin, the issue could be because the data is not available...there have been quite a few problems reported about this recently due to issues at theTVDB.com.


    Portal Member
    November 9, 2008
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    The parsing expressions are the same as they were, very simple, and my files are named the same, too. Some are actually files that had previously been parsed that I moved to another drive. Had I expected issues, I'd have attemped to edit the database instead.

    Now the likes of "Fawlty Towers 1.1 - A Touch of Class" (Parsing expression <series> <season>.<episode> - <title>.<ext> worked for this previously) has this in the Parsed Series Name column (on the import paths tab of config): fawlty
    In the season ID column, this: towers 1
    The other columns are correct.

    Looks like you were right about some of my complaint being the fault of thetvdb, though, well spotted.


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Now the likes of "Fawlty Towers 1.1 - A Touch of Class" (Parsing expression <series> <season>.<episode> - <title>.<ext> worked for this previously) has this in the Parsed Series Name column (on the import paths tab of config): fawlty
    In the season ID column, this: towers 1
    The other columns are correct.

    Im not sure how you could ever have got a simple expression to parse that correctly using that filename. I think you need to use a regular expression.

    If I was using a Simple Expression I would rename the file to distinguish the spaces used between the words and numbers e.g. add another '-' like "Fawlty Towers - 1.1 - A Touch of Class"

    with Simple Expression:
    <series> - <season>.<episode> - <title>.<ext>
    If you want to keep your filenames exactly how they are, im sure someone in the expressions thread can help you build a regular expression.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    btw, what is the deal with colors in the list view?

    <!-- not watched -->
    <!-- watched -->
    <!-- not present -->

    this should be ok for watched/not watched/not present episodes.. but the colors are all almost random in series/season view...
    Series/Season view list colours also take into consideration the correpsonding episodes that are watched\unwatched\notlocal.

    I have removed the colours from the Blue3 Skins in next release because I added Icons to indicate the state.

    take a look at the screenshots.. colors in listcontrol are set as above.. i added the watched/notwatched icons to see what's going on.. also the real hustle specials is available locally... sorry about the strange layout, its my work computer :)

    no comment on this? so these colors seem fine?


    Portal Member
    November 9, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Im not sure how you could ever have got a simple expression to parse that correctly using that filename. I think you need to use a regular expression.

    If I was using a Simple Expression I would rename the file to distinguish the spaces used between the words and numbers e.g. add another '-' like "Fawlty Towers - 1.1 - A Touch of Class"

    with Simple Expression:
    <series> - <season>.<episode> - <title>.<ext>
    If you want to keep your filenames exactly how they are, im sure someone in the expressions thread can help you build a regular expression.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately , I renamed some of the files and added the expression, and it still did not parse. As I said, a few weeks ago it did parse the files that were named in that convention. I posted a query about this in the expresssions thread a couple of days ago, but it seems to be almost entirely populated by people with problems and no answers.

    Most puzzling is the reason why the GUI and functionality of the TV Series config changed without me updating it or anything. Is seems as though it was auto-updated somehow. It's only since this unexpected and unwanted change that I've had trouble with the plugin again.

    Could it have anything to do with the version of MediaInfo.dll, I'm using perhaps?


    Portal Pro
    August 3, 2005
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    When a fanart download fails, MP crashes next time it tries to load the artwork.

    Here's the log:

    2009-03-21 10:47:48.515625 [ERROR][AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Fan Art\fanart\original\79334-4.jpg)
    2009-03-21 10:47:48.515625 [ERROR][AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker]: MediaPortal: Unhandled exception occured
    2009-03-21 10:47:48.546875 [ERROR][AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker]: Exception   :Error in the application.
    -2005529767 (D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA)
       at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(Device device, String srcFile, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 mipLevels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool, Filter filter, Filter mipFilter, Int32 colorKey, ImageInformation& srcInformation, PaletteEntry[]& palette)
       at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(Device device, String srcFile, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 mipLevels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool, Filter filter, Filter mipFilter, Int32 colorKey, ImageInformation& srcInformation)
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUITextureManager.LoadGraphic(String fileName, Int64 lColorKey, Int32 iMaxWidth, Int32 iMaxHeight, Int32& width, Int32& height)
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUITextureManager.Load(String fileNameOrg, Int64 lColorKey, Int32 iMaxWidth, Int32 iMaxHeight, Boolean persistent)
       at Cornerstone.MP.AsyncImageResource.loadResource(String filename)
       at Cornerstone.MP.AsyncImageResource.loadResourceSafe(String filename)
       at Cornerstone.MP.AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker(Object newFilenameObj)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    2009-03-21 10:47:48.562500 [ERROR][AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker]: Exception   :Error in the application.
    2009-03-21 10:47:48.562500 [ERROR][AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker]:   site      :Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Texture FromFile(Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device, System.String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Usage, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Format, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Pool, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Filter, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Filter, Int32, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ImageInformation ByRef, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.PaletteEntry[] ByRef)
    2009-03-21 10:47:48.562500 [ERROR][AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker]:   source    :Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX
    2009-03-21 10:47:48.578125 [ERROR][AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker]:   stacktrace:   at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(Device device, String srcFile, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 mipLevels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool, Filter filter, Filter mipFilter, Int32 colorKey, ImageInformation& srcInformation, PaletteEntry[]& palette)
       at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.TextureLoader.FromFile(Device device, String srcFile, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 mipLevels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool, Filter filter, Filter mipFilter, Int32 colorKey, ImageInformation& srcInformation)
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUITextureManager.LoadGraphic(String fileName, Int64 lColorKey, Int32 iMaxWidth, Int32 iMaxHeight, Int32& width, Int32& height)
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUITextureManager.Load(String fileNameOrg, Int64 lColorKey, Int32 iMaxWidth, Int32 iMaxHeight, Boolean persistent)
       at Cornerstone.MP.AsyncImageResource.loadResource(String filename)
       at Cornerstone.MP.AsyncImageResource.loadResourceSafe(String filename)
       at Cornerstone.MP.AsyncImageResource.setFilenameWorker(Object newFilenameObj)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)

    If you have fanart set to be displayed when you highlight a series, there is no way of repairing the download. The only option is to manually delete the faulty file from the thumbs directory.

    I am using the lastest SVN of TV Series and the Mar 7 SVN of MP.

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